Your smart TV won't connect to Wi-Fi? See how to solve
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If your smart TV doesn't connect to Wi-Fi, there are some procedures that help solve the problem, such as restarting the equipment, checking the settings and much more. Below, find out five tips for solving any errors that prevent your television from connecting to Wi-Fi networks.
Why is the smart TV without internet? See what to do
1. Restart the equipment
In many cases, the very act of turning off and on the equipment solves connection problems. Therefore, first try restarting the television, preferably by unplugging it for a few seconds.
It is also important to restart the router together. However, check that other people are not using the internet before turning off the modem to avoid losing documents and other important data.

2. Confirm that the internet is connected
Another way is to directly check the router to confirm if the internet is connected. In this case, see if the lights indicating the connection are on or if there is any failure indicator.
In addition to the lights, check if the cables are properly connected. If there are problems connecting, contact your operator.
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3. Check TV Settings
Have you restarted your equipment and are connected to the internet, but the TV still doesn't stream your movies and series? Open the television settings and check if there is anything misconfigured.
In some cases, especially when passwords or router names are changed, it may be necessary to connect to the Wi-Fi network again.

4. Move the router
If the router is in a room far from the television, it may be necessary to change the location of the equipment. In this case, even if the connection works on a cell phone or computer, the distance tends to offer a very weak signal to make the connection.
5. Contact the manufacturer's support
Did you follow all the tips and it still didn't work? Try seeking assistance from the manufacturer. Through service channels, the company can offer specific procedures for the television model that help to reestablish the connection. In the event of a part failure, it is also possible to send it for repair.
Your smart TV won't connect to Wi-Fi? See how to solve
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Your smart TV won't connect to Wi-Fi? See how to solve