Zé Felipe launches new EP with funk and country music influences
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“Put on your helmet, you’ll get rocks!” – With influences from funk, country music and pop, Zé Felipe surprised his fans with a bold strategy in the launch of his new EP, called “Put on your helmet”.
To launch the project, the singer made all the clips available at once on YouTube. Combined, the clips generated around 6.3 million reproductions on the platform in less than 24 hours. However, Zé Felipe was not the first to accomplish this feat. In 2019, Anitta released all the visual records of “Kisses”his first international album, at once.
Zé Felipe in “Naughty Mode”. (Photo: Reproduction/ Instagram)
With the arrival of summer, the singer's new EP is a plate full of possible hits for the hottest and most festive time of the year. The following stand out: “Voltei Pra Cachorrada”, “Vai Magrin” It is “Then go”. Along the six lanes of “Put on your helmet”Zé Felipe shares the vocals with Leonardo, MC Ryan SP, MC Rica, Luan Pereira, DENNIS and MC Livinho.
Ten years of career
In 2024, Zé Felipe will complete ten years of his career and, in an exclusive interview with AfrilatestLeonardo's son spoke about what's coming:
“Look, we are planning some projects that should come out throughout this year! I promise you’ll enjoy it a lot, but I can’t give any spoilers yet… whether it’s part of a vibe from the beginning of your career or something new.”
To read the full interview, Click here.
Zé Felipe launches new EP with funk and country music influences
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Zé Felipe launches new EP with funk and country music influences