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Adriane Galisteu breaks silence about series appearance that honors Senna
Presenter Adriane Galisteu was thrilled to talk for the first time about the series “Senna”, a tribute to pilot Ayrton Senna, with whom she had a relationship before the star's death. Galisteu used social networks this Monday (2) to talk about it and vented about his relationship that lasted 18 months with Senna.
Criticism of the miniseries are related to the way the novel was briefly portrayed on Netflix, as the presenter was the pilot's last girlfriend before the accident. The production is being criticized for summarizing their relationship in two minutes of history, while other pilot's ex-girlfriends, such as Xuxa Meneghel, had more screen time in the narrative.
Given the repercussion, Galisteu spoke in relation to discussions about the choice of narrative by the production. In her stories, she thanked her for the affection and also took the opportunity to thank the press, saying that “most of them have always been very faithful to my story and never dropped my hand.” She emphasized that the story of Ayrton Senna must be perpetuated for all generations and that the story of the life of the three -time Formula 1 champion is greater than their relationship.
Adriane Galisteu talks about the Ayrton Senna series (Video Playback/Instagram/@subcelebrities)
Pilot's last girlfriend
When he was 19, in 1993, Adriane Galisteu met Formula 1's greatest Brazilian idol, at a party promoted to celebrate the driver's victory at the Interlagos GP, which took place in a nightclub in Sao Paulo. Shortly after the event, Ayrton Senna invited the model to spend a weekend at her mansion in Angra dos Reis.
A few days after the pilot wins the GP in Europe in the United Kingdom, he returned to Brazil and was seen several times with Galisteu. The model accompanied him in international events, events and even interviews. The dating lasted until the tragedy of May 1, 1994, which interrupted Senna's life, becoming one of the biggest accidents in motoring. Galisteu was in Portugal and intended to find his boyfriend after the race that caused the collision, which he watched on TV.
Adriane Galisteu publishes photos on the anniversary of the death of pilot Ayrton Senna (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram: @galisteuoficial)
Controversy between family of Senna and Galisteu
There are discussions about Senna's family to have antipathy for Adriane Galisteu, which was clear when, at Ayrton's wake, Viviane Senna, his sister, preferred to court Xuxa, leaving Adriane in the background, although she was Senna's last girlfriend girlfriend . According to a report published by O Globo after the day of the funeral, Xuxa got into the car with his family accompanied by Ayrton's family, while Galisteu had to walk to board a reserved bus for the guests.
Adriane Galisteu at Senna's wake in 1994 (Photo: Reproduction/Fernando Maia/Agência O Globo)
Galisteu says that at the time, he didn't have much opportunity to talk to the hitherto boyfriend's family. The controversies also increased when Viviane Senna stated in the documentary “Xuxa” that Xuxa Meneghel was the great love of the pilot's life.
During the pre-production of the miniseries, Netflix agreed to reduce the screen time of his relationship and Galisteu, as the platform wanted her to be mentioned, while the idol's family wanted her to stay out and almost not authorized the project.
PHOTO HIGHLIGHT: Ayrton Senna and Adriane Galisteu while dating (playback/instagram/@galisteuoficial)
Adriane Galisteu breaks silence about series appearance that honors Senna
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