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Challenging the Future of Cinema? Launch on Digital Platforms
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Mulan It's Disney's boldest project. The film's budget of US$200 million places the production as the most expensive the studio has ever undertaken. However, the film is one of the main victims of the covid-19 pandemic. To alleviate the endless wait for its arrival to the public, the studio decided to launch the film product on Disney+ digital platforms. This decision generated satisfaction and joy on the one hand, controversy and disappointment on the other.
Namely, the streaming service is not yet available in all countries. In Brazil and Latin America, the service will only be available from November 17th. As a result, the public on this side will have to wait even longer to see Niki Caro's work in the Disney remake. The film stars the protagonist Hua Mulan as actress Yifei Liu and retells the story of a warrior from the Chinese Empire released in 1998.
The launch of Mulan outside movie theaters challenges the future of pop culture around the world. With the pandemic, cinemas around the world remain closed and few countries are implementing tactics to reopen their theaters. Even so, a large percentage of the population still resists returning to these environments. Furthermore, the film survives with a good viewing and download score in countries that already have the platform available. We recently received an announcement from Sony stating that until cinemas reopen, the studio will not release any cinematographic products. The impact this generates is worrying, given that a large portion of pop and entertainment culture is fed by these large productions.
(Mulan is directed by filmmaker Niki Caro. Photo: Reproduction/Disney Pictures)
Therefore, Mulan is challenging producers and the film industry around the world. Its success and acceptance will redefine the paths of cinema. The big bet is on its high budget, which could indicate a production full of colors and exalting local culture. Great action and emotional scenes imagined being experienced on the big screen. We believe that the film will present us with good cultural scenes from the East. In addition, of course, to good and splendid costumes.
In the cast we also have the presence of Gong Li who will play the role of a powerful villain. What can we expect from her, since her character is only in this version? May this wait end soon.
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(Gong Li's character is one of the new features of the 2020 remake. Reproduction/Disney Pictures)
Movie theaters or Streaming? The Disney + platform is not just using its streaming service to launch its audiovisual products. To watch the launch of Mulan, for example, the platform charges a fee, even if you are already a customer. Otherwise, the customer will have to wait for the film to become fully available, which will be in three months, that is, only in December. So, will it work? How much will we be willing to pay for film releases on digital platforms?
With less than a year of launch, the Disney+ streaming service already has more than 60 million users.
(Featured photo: Individual Promotion Poster. Reproduction/Disney Pictures)
Challenging the Future of Cinema? Launch on Digital Platforms
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Challenging the Future of Cinema? Launch on Digital Platforms