Ivete Sangalo is hospitalized and cancels her show at Navio Xuxa

by Xavier Catherine
Ivete Sangalo is hospitalized and cancels her show at Navio
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Ivete Sangalo is hospitalized and cancels her show at Navio Xuxa

After some artists posted photos hospitalized, after the carnival marathon, this time it was Ivete Sangalo who surprised her fans, this Thursday (22), by announcing that she was hospitalized right after the festivities. The news was published on her social networks, along with a photo showing her lying on a hospital stretcher.

Ivete Sangalo's hospitalization

In the publication made by the singer, she said that she caught a virus after carnival – “This week, after the carnival marathon, like most people, I caught a virus. On Tuesday I didn't feel comfortable with an annoying and very repetitive cough”, wrote in the caption.

The Bahian woman also revealed that her diagnosis revealed pneumonia, but that she feels better. “Today, based on medical advice, I came to the hospital and then came hospitalization. Diagnosis: pneumonia. I'm being cared for and I'm already feeling better.”

Ivete Sangalo posts photo hospitalized after carnival marathon (Post: reproduction/instagram/ivetesangalo)

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Ivete was one of the confirmed attractions for Navio Xuxa, the cruise that started today, will run until the 26th, and will feature artists such as Pabllo Vittar, Olodum and Monobloco.

Artists after carnival

Some artists couldn't handle this year's Carnival marathon. Singer Luísa Sonza posted a photo at the beginning of the week, where she appeared taking medication through her veins. In the caption she said that the photo “represents post-carnival”.

Luísa Sonza posts a photo taking medication after carnival (Post: reproduction/X/infosluisasonza)

Dj Alok also posted a photo with a probe on his arm. “Recovering from the concert marathon. Thank you to everyone who was with me here and in person!”, he wrote in his publication.

Alok posts a photo medicating himself after carnival (Post: reproduction/instagram/alok)

Ivete Sangalo Carnival

Ivete Sangalo outdid herself at this year's carnival. The singer played her electric trio on every day of revelry in Salvador. The marathon started on Thursday and ended on Carnival Tuesday. Last weekend, the singer also performed in São Paulo during the champions' parade.

Amid so many commitments, Ivete was not left out of controversies. On the third day of the block, his trio was about six hours late in starting the circuit, due to a traffic jam. On the fourth day, the Bahian woman was taken by surprise by the singer Baby from Brazil, who even commented that the world was entering an apocalypse. On the penultimate day, Ivete's trio fell in the middle of the circuit and an explosion left two people injured. The singer even said that this would be her last carnival, but reversed her statement the following day.

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Featured photo: Ivete Sangalo hospitalized (Photo: reproduction/instagram/ivetesangalo)

Ivete Sangalo is hospitalized and cancels her show at Navio Xuxa

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