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Wandinha Star Producing 2nd Season!
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A Netflix has not yet announced when the second season of “Wandinha”, one of his most recent hits. But Jenna Ortegawho brings the main character to life, has already been published in a major profile published by the magazine Elle who, in part two, will receive executive producer credit.
Jenna Ortega posing for Elle. (Photo: Reproduction/Pop Line)
Recently, the star revealed that she doesn't want to be recognized for her role in the series and that it's something she's not proud of. “A lot of people know me because of (the series). It's not one of my proudest moments, which ends up adding an extra level of insecurity and stress. I'm finally getting offers for the roles I want, but don't want to be. recognized especially for that (Wandinha)”.
Jenna also said that she even changed lines from the script. “Everything she does, everything I had to play, didn't make sense for the character at all. Her being in a love triangle doesn't make sense. There's a line about the dress she wears to a school dance and she says : 'I loved it! I can't believe I said that. I hate myself.' And I thought, 'There's no way.' script thought I was doing something different, so I met with the writers and they questioned me. I had to explain that I couldn't do some things.”
In building your Wandinhathe artist says she didn’t want to take tips from Christina Ricci, actress who played as a teenager in cinemas. But, he chose to be inspired by the singer Billie Eilish because he believes Eilish has Wandinha's dark energy.
Launched on November 23rd last year, the first season of the series has eight episodes and is available on Netflix.
Featured Photo: Jenna Ortega, star of “Wandinha” from Netflix. (Photo: Reproduction/Who)
Wandinha Star Producing 2nd Season!
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Wandinha Star Producing 2nd Season!