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Datena moves away from radio and TV to take care of her health
José Luiz Datena, 66 years old, presenter of Band's “Brasil Urgente” program, requested his resignation from Rádio Bandeirantes and announced his departure from the São Paulo television network.
He cited fatigue due to overwork and health care as the main reason. The journalist clarified that the reason for his departure will be the need to take care of his health and that next Thursday (05), he will have to undergo two complicated surgeries. “I'm going to have two surgeries next Thursday, I already have six stents. It's time to take my foot off”, completed, without giving details about the surgical procedures. “They are a little complex, I prefer that the doctors talk later”, explained.
“Tiredness and taking care of my health. I must take some time off after the surgeries I will have at the Sírio libanês hospital”, explains the journalist.
He would also have confirmed a clash with the management of the radio, where he presents a program for two hours in the morning, due to differences of opinion, however, he denied speculation that he had mistreated company employees. According to his statements, these disagreements would not have influenced his decision.
The information was released by the website Notícias da TV.
Other hospitalizations
At the beginning of this year, journalist Datena underwent a catheterization, as tests detected that his arteries were 70% blocked. In 2020, with his health already a little weak, he was rushed to hospital after feeling severe chest pain.
Journalists Luiz Bacci and José Luiz Datena (Photo: reproduction/Record/Band/Uol nt)
Controversy with Luiz Bacci
A post made by fellow journalist Luiz Bacci on Instagram, where the presenter of Cidade Alerta on Record, would have glorified himself for the audience numbers recorded the previous day and mocked the fact that the competitor was going through economic problems by removing the helicopter from the program that covered live, sparked outrage on the Morumbi TV station, in greater São Paulo.
José Luiz Datena, without mincing his tongue, would have refuted the comments, venting on air about the matter.
Featured photo: Journalist and presenter José Luiz Datena. Reproduction/Who/photo Egberto Nogueira
Datena moves away from radio and TV to take care of her health
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