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Leonardo DiCaprio is seen leaving the hotel with a businesswoman
the award winning actor Leonardo DiCaprioaged 48, was seen last Wednesday (24) leaving the “Hotel Martinez”, in Cannes, accompanied by businesswoman Natasha Poonawalla. DiCaprio wore a mask and hat so as not to be identified, while Poonawalla sported a silver dress with a long slit.
It is worth remembering that Natasha Poonawalla, executive director of Indian origin, took advantage of the trip to praise DiCaprio and the cast of the film “Killers of the Flower Moon“, through a video shared on his account on Instagram. O Cannes Film Festival, where the registration took place, is known worldwide as one of the most prestigious cinematographic events and takes place annually.
One of the personalities who commented on Poonawalla’s publication was model Gigi Hadid, who expressed her affection by writing “I love you!“, reigniting speculation about a possible relationship between Hadid and DiCaprio, as they were spotted in September exchanging intimate conversations.
“Killers of the Flower Moon” is the latest film from acclaimed director Martin Scorsese, based on the book of the same name written by David Grann. The plot takes place in 1920, in the state of Oklahoma, in the United States, portraying a series of murders involving members of the Osage Indian tribe. Check out the trailer:
Teaser trailer for the movie “Killers of the Flower Moon” 9Video: Playback/YouTube)
The film highlights the performance of Leonardo DiCaprio, who has worked on five other projects with Scorsese, including “the wolf of Wall Street” It is “Fear Island“. In addition to DiCaprio, the cast has other prominent names, such as Brendan Fraser, Robert De Niro and Jesse Plemons.
After its screening at the Cannes Film Festival, “Killers of the Flower Moon” is scheduled to debut in Brazilian theaters on October 20 and, in the following month, it will arrive on the streaming “Apple TV+”. The production, which promises to captivate the public with its engaging story and the talent of those involved, has a 96% approval rating in the “Rotten Tomatoes”.
Featured photo: Leonardo DiCaprio leaving his hotel in Cannes. Reproduction / Quem Magazine
Leonardo DiCaprio is seen leaving the hotel with a businesswoman
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