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MC Daniel posts with Yasmin Brunet and reinforces romance rumors
The supposed relationship between MC Daniel and Yasmin Brunet has been a lot of talk lately. Rumors that they were in a relationship began to circulate after the two appeared together in some photos on social media.
On the afternoon of this Wednesday (8), the funk singer published a video on his Instagram in which the model appears in his home. Surprisingly, the model did not show any embarrassment when being filmed.
MC Daniel and Yasmin Brunet in a post on social media (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@mcdaniell)
In the video, the fank fan says his day was fun, and questions Yasmin for not responding to him: “That's right, family, yesterday was a really cool day, wasn't it? Is it Yasmin or isn’t it, okay?”. Furthermore, they have been exchanging affectionate comments on each other's publications, and have also made appearances together at family parties.
Fans expect more than just photos, but so far neither of them has officially confirmed their relationship, it's all just assumptions and speculation on the part of the media and fans.
MC Daniel and the breakup with Mel Maia
MC Daniel and Mel Maia made their romance official in October 2022 and made several appearances together on trips, events and shows. However, in August this year, the two announced the end of their relationship.
Photo by MC Daniel and Mel Maia. (Reproduction/Instagram/@melissamelmaia)
On her Instagram account, Mel Maia shared the news with her fans and said that the friendship would continue: “My relationship with Daniel arose out of friendship. We love each other, respect each other and want the best for each other. And we decided together to preserve this very important feeling. We are no longer a couple, but we remain friends”reported the actress.
Rumors that the breakup is linked to MC Daniel's current affair, model Yasmin Brunet.
Featured photo: MC Daniel and Yasmin Brunet (Reproduction/Bolavip)
MC Daniel posts with Yasmin Brunet and reinforces romance rumors
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