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Number of homeless people skyrockets in greater São Paulo
According to data from the Social Assistance Surveillance Observatory of the Municipal Department of Development and Social Assistance, more than 600 families arrive in the city center every month. In search of the disclosed host program. This migration is mainly due to the lack of assistance programs in neighborhoods close to the capital. City halls do not have support, and that is why families move to the center.
Homeless people in the capital of São Paulo (Photo: Reproduction/ Exame)
This week the City Hall started a new program, “Ampara São Paulo” with the aim of improving existing public policies. The people approached, if they wish, will be referred to vacancies hired by the City Hall in hotels in the city center. These shelters will be prepared to receive single people, people with disabilities, families, the elderly and the LGBTQIA+ population. In addition to accommodation, breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner will be available – vacancies will be fixed.
Given the number of homeless people, existing programs are unable to cope with the growing number. They are entire families who had no alternative. Many lost their jobs after the pandemic, had their homes flooded with floods, land expropriation, there are people who suffer family abandonment, have problems with alcoholism and drugs, mental illness, emotional and economic instability, prejudice and discrimination, abusive relationships, violence physical and psychological. In addition, many come in search of a job and when they cannot find it, they find it difficult to return to their hometowns financially.
Featured Photo: Walter came to the capital in search of a job
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Number of homeless people skyrockets in greater São Paulo
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