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technological and futuristic fashion – In the period post pandemic the style futuristic came into fashion. Brunno Almeida Maia researcher in Philosophy and professor at fashion institutions in São Paulo, points out that the relationship between fashion and the futuristic movement it is old.
technological and futuristic fashion
It started in 1910, in the Italy and is divided into three phases along the twentieth century. Briefly, the futurism studies how fashion can progress using science and industry. Futurists seek the modernization of life and ease.
In the 1960s, futurism emerged fantasizing the turn of the millennium, even though there were 40 years to go. All expectations glimpsed the ludic. Technological, metallic, daring and different clothes began to appear, by stylists such as the French André Courréges which became the forerunner of futurism in fashion.
But what does technological fashion mean?
About 170 tons of textile waste are discarded annually, the technology applied in fashion makes fabrics and patterns virtual within clothing. Furthermore, there was the emergence of 3D printing, making manufacturing faster, simpler and cheaper. This makes the process more sustainable.
In addition to beauty, fashion becomes functional. The technology applied to fashion guarantees materials that enhance and bring benefits to the final consumer. It is to produce technological fabrics from synthetic fibers, as they bring more comfort, safety and innovation to the garments.
– Anti-UV: commonly used by athletes, gained the population, protects the skin against ultraviolet rays and can reach up to UPF 50+;
– Anti-bacterial: capable of preventing the proliferation of bacteria and fungi and eliminating odors, as well as ensuring hygiene, comfort and freshness.
– Iwaterproof: prevents water from passing through its fibers, preventing stains from appearing and making vivid colors last longer.
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