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Vaccination in São Paulo will start to be applied to people over 18 years old
This Tuesday (2) the capital of São Paulo received from the Ministry of Health more than 1 million doses of the immunizer that will be distributed to the 470 Basic Health Units (UBSs).
Vaccination with bivalent Pfizer is recommended for those who have already completed the basic vaccination scheme or also for those who have already received one or two booster doses, but need to respect the four-month interval of the most recent dose received.
The vaccine had been released in São Paulo since April 26 for the population over 50 years old, on May 3rd, it was the turn of the public aged 40 years or more. The capital of São Paulo, since February 27 until now, has already applied 1,344,167 doses of the bivalent vaccine.
The vaccine recommendation aims to reinforce protection against the disease and also expand vaccination coverage across the country.
According to the city hall, the World Health Organization (WHO) is monitoring the variant, but so far it has not shown any seriousness or even an increase in the number of cases in the capital of São Paulo.
Pfizer bivalent vaccine (Photo: Reproduction/Felipe Poleti)
In the capital of São Paulo, the bivalent vaccine is currently available for people over 40 years of age, over 12 years of age with immunosuppression or with comorbidities, indigenous people, pregnant and puerperal women, residents in long-stay institutions and employees of these facilities in the city of São Paulo. São Paulo, health professionals, people with permanent physical disabilities, the population deprived of liberty and prison system employees, in addition to the homeless population.
In São Paulo, in addition to the application of the vaccine, the D-Day of multivaccination will also be held on Saturday (6).
The vaccines that will be applied are influenza (virus that causes the flu), inactivated polio vaccine (VIP), oral polio vaccine (OPV), triple viral (measles, mumps and rubella), BCG, pentavalent, pneumo 10, rotavirus, meningo C , ACWY meningitis, chickenpox, hepatitis A and B, yellow fever, DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough) and HPV.
Featured Photo: Bivalent vaccine against Covid (Photo: Alexandre Silva/Fotoarena/Agência O Globo)
Vaccination in São Paulo will start to be applied to people over 18 years old
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