8 practical tips to develop your Emotional Intelligence
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Developing emotional intelligence is essential for personal and professional success. Defined by psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer, this skill involves the ability to monitor and regulate our emotions and the emotions of others, positively impacting our interactions and decisions.
Daniella Kirsten, coach and director of Febracis Paraná, emphasizes that emotional intelligence helps to avoid impulsive reactions and deal with challenging situations rationally. “People with emotional intelligence are able to assess the situation and think about how to resolve it, instead of panicking or despairing. Of course these feelings will exist, as emotions are intrinsic to human beings, but the ability to rationalize and Leaving these emotions aside, focusing on proactivity, is what characterizes an emotionally intelligent person”, he explains.
With this in mind, Daniella separated eight practical tips for developing emotional intelligence:
Practice empathy
Understand the feelings of others and question your own emotions.Deal with negative emotions
Instead of reacting impulsively to negative events, focus on looking for solutions and options to deal with these situations.Be aware of your body's signals
Pay attention to your body's messages about your emotions. Your body and behaviors provide important clues about your emotions and well-being. Observe the details of how your body and mind are and take actions that bring quality of life, moving away from those that are not good for you.Manage anxiety and stress
To maintain balance in stressful situations, it is essential to learn how to manage pressure in the best way. Discover the best way to take care of your mind and stay calm. Simple actions, such as leaving a certain environment and taking a walk, drinking tea, stretching or meditating, can be an effective remedy.Respect your limits
Self-knowledge is the first step to recognizing your own limits. Respect these limits, establish priorities and take care of your well-being to avoid frustration and negative feelings. Those who have emotional intelligence know how to look at themselves and others with the experience they have gained.Avoid hasty judgments
Developing emotional intelligence requires patience and perseverance. In this context, it is important to avoid making hasty judgments regarding the behaviors or opinions of others, trying to think carefully before making decisions or making judgments. DThink before reacting
Avoid responding to stimuli quickly and reacting unconsciously, prioritizing conscious responses. Immediacy is the enemy of precision. Think about this before reacting by preventing the emotional side of your brain from working faster than your rational side.Train your brain
It is possible to train your brain to develop emotionally intelligent behaviors. Turn these behaviors into habits to enrich your life and career.
8 practical tips to develop your Emotional Intelligence
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8 practical tips to develop your Emotional Intelligence