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Slovenia Marques opens up about the end of his relationship with Lucas Bissoli
This Thursday (9), ex-BBB Slovenia Marques reappeared on her social networks after confirming the end of her relationship with former participant Lucas Bissoli. The relationship lasted almost two years and began while they were both confined to the house of the reality show “Big Brother Brasil”. According to herself, the decision to end the relationship came from the doctor.
Slovenia took the opportunity to thank her followers for all the love she received after revealing that she was single again. Even though she was grateful for her fans' support, Miss stated that she thought it would be better to return to her homeland, Pernambuco, to feel more comfortable and go through this phase close to family and friends who give her more strength.
Report from Slovenia
The ex-BBB said on her Instagram that she is not going through an easy time in her life. “But I came here to thank you very much for the messages of support I received. It's really not an easy time, you know, it's very difficult, but I also can't stop my life, there's a lot of things I've planned this month, the projects, there's work. So, anyway, I came here to thank you for the messages of support I received, thank you very much. God knows everything, it is part of life. And that's it, there's not much to say, but always know that I'll try to do my best, okay? One day at a time here”Slovenia said in a rant tone.
Slovenia thanks its fans for their love (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@eslomarques)
The model took the opportunity to remind her fans that this month is of great importance to her, as her birthday will be in November. Slovenia stated that, despite going through “chaos”, as she herself defined it, she still feels happy to have the opportunity to celebrate this special date in a few days.
The young woman will turn 27 on November 17th and is preparing a big party, which was planned a few months ago. She says being able to be with and celebrate with the people she loves makes her feel better and more excited.
Featured photo: Slovenia and Lucas met on BBB 22 (Reproduction/Instagram/@eslomarques)
Slovenia Marques opens up about the end of his relationship with Lucas Bissoli
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