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New Pagode DVD in So Paulo!
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After the success of the DVD “In Your Time (Live)”Guga Nandes surprised his fans with the recording of his new musical project, recorded last Wednesday in Guarulhos (SP).
Titled as “It’s a Good Thing It’s Pagode”the singer's new visual album brings together re-recordings of songs already known to the public and new tracks on its tracklist. Carioca, the DVD is the first audiovisual produced by Guga Nandes outside of Rio de Janeiro. “Recording an audiovisual for the first time outside of my RJ was challenging, but very special”he says.
“It’s a Good Thing It’s Pagode” It also featured special appearances by the groups Turma do Pagode, Pixote, Di Propósito, Doce Encontro and singer Mannda Lym. With approximately 900 thousand listeners on Spotify, Guga is one of the main names of the new generation of Pagode and has hits such as: “Speaking the Word” (feat. Dilsinho), “Subconscious” (feat. Sorriso Maroto) It is “Feeling”.
Live recording of “Gossip”. (Video: Reproduction/ YouTube)
On Instagram, the celebrity interacted with his fans through the tool “question box”from stories. There, Guga stated that he resumed his concert schedule after a short break due to the recording of his new DVD. “With all this rush of the DVD, I ended up staying in São Paulo for a while. But I'm already in Rio (de Janeiro) and there are shows at the weekend.”he said.
Recently, the pagodeiro received Platinum and Double Platinum certifications for his singles “I fell in love once and for all” It is “Little gift”which reached more than 32 million plays and 55 million plays, respectively.
Featured Photo: Guga Nandes and Turma do Pagode. Reproduction/ Instagram/ @vandinhofreitas1
New Pagode DVD in So Paulo!
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New Pagode DVD in So Paulo!