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Britney Spears thanks Elton John for his collaboration on “Hold Me Closer”
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Britney Spears has officially returned to the music world. In partnership with Elton John, the singer released “Hold Me Closer“, this being the artist's first song since 2016, and made Britney show all her gratitude to the pop star, and talk for the first time about her return to music, which will be on air next Friday ( 26).
Humble, Britney Spears showed that she was very grateful for the opportunity, and even referred to herself as “backing vocals” in its publication. But this is not true, since the artist is one of the protagonists of the work, and the credit was divided between the two equally.
“Hold Me Closer” album. (Reproduction/ Instagram)
“Thank you Elton John for posting my photo as a baby. Most people said I was cute…I definitely was!!! Maybe we should have some tea!!! Oh and let's invite Queen Elizabeth too!!! I bet she's a brilliant study of behavior!!! So let's go???“, wrote Britney, making reference to the fact that Elton John is a Knight Celibate of the United Kingdom's royal family.
“Since most say they are honored to KNOW ME SO WELL and just want happiness for me… You can bet your bottom dollar that THIS collaboration will make my year greater by putting together your brilliant and talented hands. Thank you for your generosity and for just thinking of me to join you in such brilliant music!!! How cool is it to be the background voice for YOUR music!!! Sir Elton I did this thanks to your genius, creative and legendary mind!!! I am so grateful!!! I keep giving everything away, don't I??? Can I earn my congratulations“, concluded the singer.
The comment came along with a publication of an excerpt of the song. But the post was deleted for reasons not yet known. Even so, there was no lack of publicity from Elton John, who also shared an excerpt of the song on his social networks.
Excerpt from “Hold Me Closer”. (Reproduction/ Instagram)
In fact, the Brit surprised everyone who was at the La Guerite restaurant, in Cannes, France, by asking to play “Hold Me Closer“. Thus, Elton John repeated what he did when he recorded “Cold Heart“, in partnership with Dua Lipa, showing everyone at the same restaurant the launch first hand.
Featured photo: “Hold Me Closer“, by Britney Spears and Elton John. Reproduction/ Twitter
Britney Spears thanks Elton John for his collaboration on “Hold Me Closer”
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Britney Spears thanks Elton John for his collaboration on “Hold Me Closer”