Bruno Gagliasso appears red-haired and comparison with his wife is inevitable
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Bruno Gagliasso surprised his followers this Thursday (15), with a radical change of look. The actor left aside his gray hair and appeared in an Instagram post alongside his wife, redhead, following the same change she made recently. The unusual choice and the similarity between Bruno and Giovanna evoked several reactions from his followers and many comparisons of the two to a pair of twins.
Mystery revealed
The post came to put an end to the mystery that had been hanging over the couple's social media. The day before, on the 14th, the actress had posted a story in which she mentioned that her husband had changed his look for a job, but that he didn't want to show off the change. The tone of secrecy increased the curiosity of the couple's followers, who asked for the new look to be revealed.
In the post, shared jointly on Bruno and Giovanna's Instagram, the couple made the announcement in a joking tone. In the caption, they said: “More than friends… TWINS”.
Bruno and Giovanna announce their new look (Reproduction/Instagram/@gioewbank and @brunogagliasso)
The voice of the people is the voice of God
With Bruno's new look revealed, the couple's profile was flooded with comments about the change. The comparison between the two, who according to several internet users and the couple themselves, now look like twins, was one of the main topics. One internet user even mentioned the series Game of Thrones, famous for featuring couples of siblings involved in love.
Still in the comments section, other celebrities did not fail to give their opinion. Actress Giovanna Lancellotti, who is also a redhead, wrote “IT’S NOT POSSIBLE”. To which Giovanna Ewbank also responded in the comments, jokingly, that Bruno wanted to compete with the two. Amidst the flood of comments, compliments on the couple’s appearance before and after the changes predominated.
Featured photo: Bruno and Giovanna appear side by side with red hair (Reproduction/Instagram/@gioewbank and @brunogagliasso)
Bruno Gagliasso appears red-haired and comparison with his wife is inevitable
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Bruno Gagliasso appears red-haired and comparison with his wife is inevitable