Rita Lee’s legacy and her importance in fashion

Rita Lee's legacy and her importance in fashion

Rita Lee’s legacy and her importance in fashion

Rita Lee it is synonymous with freedom and irreverence and these are essential characteristics in fashion. The artist made history not only in music, literature and dramaturgy, but also in fashion, showing that women should have an attitude and everyone can dress and be whatever they want.

Rita Lee is a fashion icon (Photo: Playback/Pinterest)

Rita’s daring and good humor was seen in her style that broke sexist paradigms and stereotypes, whether dressed as a bride at the end of “International Song Festival” after Gilberto Gil It is Caetano Veloso being declassified, in the 1960s, or with its psychedelic and maximalist multicolored pieces.

Rita Lee and band at the 1960 International Song Festival (Photo: Reproduction/Pinterest)

Her bright red hair, over the years underwent changes, the tone of her natural hair was light brown, and she dyed it at home, using chamomile tea, onion skins, paraffin chips and hydrogen peroxide.“It took all day, it was like straw (the hair), but the Françoise Hardy look from Vila Mariana was worth it”, revealed in his autobiography. Around 1974, on a trip to London, he adopted bright red.

Rita Lee in 1975 (Photo: Reproduction/ Pinterest)

“With my red hair, the sensation was that of walking around with an eternal sun on my head, I felt more and more warm and grateful for being alive on that little blue planet saying hello-goodbye to the world”, he told in his book. Over time, the shades of red hair alternated, but the straight bangs remained for many years. In 2015, the artist took on the gray hair and of course this made up her style even more.

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Rita Lee takes on white hair (Photo: Reproduction/Pinterest)

The extravagant and colorful glasses were the artist’s trademark, she said she felt naked without the accessory, but she wore it precisely because she had photophobia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Rita Lee had a collection of glasses (Photo: Reproduction/Pinterest)

From her clothing to her iconic record covers, she has always been all about comfort and authenticity. At the time of the band “The mutants”, helped the members to compose their looks, in an original way. And when I was already in the band “Tutti Frutti”, assembled her looks with a certain tone of criticism, remembering the episode, the concert at Estádio do Palmeiras, in 1976, in São Paulo, shortly after Rita’s release from prison, who went on stage in prison clothes, passing by in front of police officers who were guarding the then house arrest, as a protest for having had an arbitrary arrest.

Rita Lee concert at Estádio do Palmeiras, in 1976 (Photo: Reproduction/Pinterest)

On the tour for the album “Babilônia” (1978), the singer had luxurious assistance: stylist Barbara Hulanicki, who had the famous Biba store in London. The designer created outfits for Brigitte Bardot and also had clients like David Bowie and Mick Jagger.

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Rita Lee tour of the album “Babilônia” (Photo: Reproduction/Pinterest)

Already in a solo career it would be no different, the Queen of National Rock took style wherever she went.

A thousand faces of Rita Lee (Photo: Reproduction/ Pinterest/ Canva)

The artist has a huge legacy in art and fashion and, therefore, Rita Lee will never die.

Featured photo: Rita Lee’s fashion. Reproduction: Pinterest/ Canva/ Vogue/ Editora Globo.

Rita Lee’s legacy and her importance in fashion

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