Silvio Santos' fortune from companies is estimated at R$1.6 billion

by James Williams
Silvio Santos' fortune from companies is estimated at R$1 6 billion

Silvio Santos' fortune from companies is estimated at R$1.6 billion
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Last Saturday, August 17, TV host and businessman Silvio Santos passed away at the age of 93, victim of bronchopneumonia, due to an infection caused by the Influenza virus (H1N1). Since the beginning of August, Silvio had been hospitalized at the Albert Einstein Hospital in the city of São Paulo. Awarded several times for his career as a TV host, Silvio Santos was very successful in business, having companies in several areas of activity in the market. The Silvio Santos Group was the one that controlled all the companies in the group. The value of R$1.6 billion was the value of Silvio Santos' companies in 2023, according to Forbes. See Silvio Santos' companies.

SBT, Jequiti and Leadership Capitalization

The best-known company is the Brazilian Television System, known as SBT. In 1975, Silvio acquired his first TV concession, broadcasting TVS (TV Studios) on channel 11 in Rio de Janeiro. After receiving four more concessions, one of which was in São Paulo, the broadcaster was renamed SBT and began operations on August 19, 1981. Currently, SBT owns 114 broadcasters nationwide, has 6,000 employees and a monthly reach of 103 million people, according to the broadcaster's own data. Founded in October 2006 by the presenter himself, Jequiti Cosméticos was created with the intention of competing with Natura and Avon, selling perfumes, makeup, bath products and children's products. The brand became famous for having several celebrities do commercials for its products. Patrícia Abravanel, Celso Portiolli, Eliana, Ana Hickmann and Larissa Manoela were some of the celebrities who advertised for the cosmetics company. The commercial partnership between SBT and Jequiti was so successful that it elevated the brand and today, Jequiti is one of the largest companies in the sector in all of Brazil, with an estimated value of R$450 million and 206 thousand sales consultants. There is a possibility that Jequiti will be sold to the pharmaceutical company Cimed.

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Liderança Capitalização was founded in December 1975, but was acquired by Grupo Silvio Santos in July 1976. Its main product is Tele Sena, which was launched in November 1991. The purchased card has several numbers that allow people to compete for prizes in cash, houses or cars. Every week, a new draw is held and at the end of the month, the person with the highest score wins the biggest prize. In 2023, Liderança Capitalização achieved net revenue of R$198.6 million, with a net profit of R$31.5 million.

News on the death of Silvio Santos (Video: Reproduction/Youtube/SBT News)

Hotel Jequitimar, SiSAN and BancoPanAmericano

Also founded in 2006, with a name similar to the cosmetics company, the Jequitimar Hotel is located in the city of Guarujá, on the coast of São Paulo. The Accor Group manages the hotel, but Silvio Santos' daughters also have a stake in the company. SiSAN Empreendimentos Imobiliários was founded in 1990 and is the company that manages the properties that belong to the Silvio Santos Group and the Abravanel family. Silvio Santos also owned Banco Panamericano from 1969, when the presenter's group took over the controlling interest in what was then Real Sul, until 2011. The bank was sold in December of that year to BTG Pactual for R$450 million, following an accounting scandal. The Panamericano deal increased Silvio Santos' fortune, skyrocketing to R$2.67 billion, and at that time, with the lower exchange rate, he became the first Brazilian to enter Forbes Magazine's list of billionaires. The sale of the bank made Silvio's fortune soar to R$2.67 billion and, at the time, with the lower exchange rate, he was the first Brazilian to join Forbes' list of billionaires.

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Featured photo: Silvio Santos and a little plane made with a 200 reais note (Reproduction/disclosure/SBT)

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Silvio Santos' fortune from companies is estimated at R$1.6 billion


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Silvio Santos' fortune from companies is estimated at R$1.6 billion

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