Sincerão ends in a fight between Leydi Elin and Davi

by Clare Dominic
Sincerão ends in a fight between Leydi Elin and Davi
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Sincerão ends in a fight between Leydi Elin and Davi

On the night of Monday, March 11th, the most watched house in Brazil promoted Sincerão do 12º. Wall.

In the outside area of ​​the house, the walled-in Isabelle, Lucas and Yasmin gained the right to speak. Leader Beatriz was also able to speak.

Beatriz was the first to speak and made her choices

Vampire: Lucas
Jester: MC Bin Laden
Sleeping Beauty: Yasmin
Master: Beatriz
Faithful Squire: Alane
Big Bad Wolf: Giovanna
Bad witch: Fernanda

“Sleeping Beauty to Yasmin because I think it has no positioning. She hopes that the house will defend her like a princess, who has to take a stand for her, said Bia.

As the Big Bad Wolf, she chose Giovanna and said that she “has no positioning, she only intrudes where she is not called upon, with a strange energy”.

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The bad witch chosen was Fernanda: “Fernanda is super fake, she wants to take advantage of situations to be able to pull people close to her”.

Globo Reproduction

Lucas Buddha

Vampire: Isabelle
Jester: Matteus
Sleeping Beauty: Beatrice
Master: Lucas
Faithful Squire: Leydi Elin
Big Bad Wolf: Alane
Wicked Witch: David


Vampire: Lucas
Jester: MC Bin Laden
Sleeping Beauty: Yasmin
Master: Isabelle
Faithful Squire: David
Big Bad Wolf: Fernanda
Wicked Witch: Pitel

Cunhã said that “Lucas has this personality of wandering among some groups in a very subtle way, which, sometimes, he doesn't realize and he ends up collecting some information and has this perception of sucking”.

She chose Pitel as Buxa: “Bad Witch is Pitel because she always tries to understand other people's games to try to have the whole house game in hand in a more incisive way, having no other perceptions of conversations and dialogues”, she explained.


Vampire: Isabelle
Jester: Matteus
Sleeping Beauty: Beatrice
Master: Yasmin
Faithful Squire: Leydi Elin
Big Bad Wolf: Alane
Wicked Witch: David

Yasmin spoke quickly and said a lot: “Vampira is the brother-in-law because I don't watch her game, I never know who she's going to vote for, I have no idea who she is allied with, because she's always in all the groups”.

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Beatriz was elected Sleeping Beauty: Our Leader is simply 1000% influenced by 'Vice-Leader' Davi. There is no position whatsoever, I’m even here at Paredão because of something she ended up doing herself, taking on someone else’s problem,” she declared.

Davi was elected Wicked Witch: “For me, he is the worst player in the house. He is very weak as a player. Here I think he's a terrible player, I think he's unnecessary in many moments. He irritates everyone, sucks energy, annoying as hell, very difficult to get along with, does things and then throws it in their faces saying that others don't do it, when his own allies do much worse”, he explained.

In the second stage of Sincerão, participants were able to call someone from inside the house to go to the selection counter. Beatriz called Alane.


Vampire: Lucas
Jester: Leydi Elin
Sleeping Beauty: Yasmin
Master: Alane
Faithful Squire: Beatriz
Big Bad Wolf: Fernanda
Wicked Witch: Pitel
Lucas Buda called Pitel.


Vampire: Matteus
Jester: Beatriz
Sleeping Beauty: Isabelle
Master: Pitel
Faithful Squire: Fernanda
Big Bad Wolf: David
Wicked Witch: Alane

Breakup between Davi and Leydi Elin

While Globo was broadcasting the commercials, the stick broke between Davi and Leydi Elin. The trancista and the app driver repeated the fight from the past with unpronounceable insults.

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The fight continued after the live program.

Esther Rocha

Creator of the Afrilatest website, in 2000 she continued as CEO and Content Director of the website. Graduated in journalism from Faculdade Casper Líbero, since the 1980s she has worked in the area of ​​entertainment journalism. Passionate about soap operas, series, reality, cinema and the lifestyle of celebrities.

Sincerão ends in a fight between Leydi Elin and Davi

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#Sincerão #ends #fight #Leydi #Elin #Davi

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