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SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA: Closed Test Promises Adventure
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Hello, survivors of the dystopian future! If you're one of those people who loves a good futuristic mayhem, where humanity hangs by a thread and technology is both a blessing and a curse, then you'll want to pay attention to SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA. The Bandai Namco is setting the stage for an epic experience, and to give you a taste of what's to come, they've announced a Closed Network Test. If you’ve ever wanted to pilot mechs, explore ruins, and fight alongside an AI partner, this is your chance to shine—or at least survive.

The Future is Now: Welcome to 2222

First of all, let's situate you in the world of SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA. The story takes place in the year 2222, where what remains of humanity tries to survive in a world devastated by a mysterious poisonous rain called The Tears of the New Moon. You know that storm that appears in apocalyptic movies and you think “it can’t get any worse than this”? Well, it did. The rain not only destroyed most of the population, but it also gave rise to deformed creatures that now hunt the remaining survivors. Welcome to the future—it’s not exactly what we dreamed of, is it?

In this scenario, you take on the role of a Drifterwho, unlike your neighbor who enjoys drifting on the city streets, is a pilot who risks his life collecting AO crystals—a rare and valuable resource—from the devastated surface of the Earth. And like every good adventurer of the future, you are not alone. By your side, you will have your faithful companion, the Magusan AI designed to help you in combat and navigation.

Testing the Waters (or what’s left of them)

If the idea of ​​piloting a mecha isn't enough to get you excited, Bandai Namco is ensuring that the Closed Network Test of SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA bring you even more reasons to keep an eye on the game. With registration open until noon on September 3, the test will run from September 13 to 16, and promises gameplay improvements, new AI companions, and a variety of customization options that will make you feel like the Tony Stark of mechs.


During the test, players will have the chance to experience what the Bandai Namco describes it as “enhanced gameplay,” which in gamer terms means you’ll be able to destroy things in new and exciting ways. With map balance tweaks, improved combat abilities, and new customization options for your CRADLECOFFINS (the game’s mechas), there’s a lot to look forward to.

PvPvE: The Battle for Survival

The AI Magus is your constant companion, offering support in combat and helping you navigate the dangerous ruins of Amasia. Depending on the Magus Whichever you choose, you’ll have access to a variety of support skills, such as resource tracking, combat assistance, and even tips for surviving the environment’s traps. It’s like having a cybernetic version of Navi, but with less “Hey, listen!” and more “Watch out for the guy behind you with a rocket launcher!”

Customization: Your Mecha, Your Rules

Now let's talk about the real star of the show: the CRADLECOFFINS. These mechas are not only your survival tools, but also your identity in the game. And in a world where customization is as important as gameplay itself, SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA promises not to disappoint. From the chassis, arms and legs to the look of the weapons, you can customize your mech to reflect your play style. Do you want something fast and agile? Or perhaps something more robust and durable? The choice is yours.

And it’s not just about looks—every customization choice directly affects how your mech performs. So if you want to be that player everyone dreads encountering in the ruins of Amasiayou’ll need to choose your pieces carefully. Oh, and don’t forget to match everything with a good color scheme. After all, if you’re going to get destroyed in a PvP battle, you might as well do it in style.


Comparisons to Other Games: A New Kind of Mecha

If you're thinking, “Hmm, that reminds me of Titanfall”, you're not wrong. The idea of ​​piloting mechs and taking on other players while dealing with enemy AI has some similarities to the series. Respawn Entertainment. However, SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA brings its own twist to the genre, with a greater focus on exploration and survival in a hostile environment.

And if you are a fan of Nier: Automatayou can find some similarities in tone and visual style. The combination of a post-apocalyptic world with the relationship between humans and AI has a similar vibe, although SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA seems to be more focused on frenetic action than on philosophical moments about existence.

On the other hand, the lock customization system may remind Armored Coreespecially with the emphasis on tuning each piece to maximize its performance on the battlefield. And for fans of Borderlandsthe acid humor and the constant struggle for resources can bring back some memories of that chaotic, gunshot-filled universe.

The Story of SYNDUALITY: From a New Frontier to a New Beginning

For those who are wondering how SYNDUALITY fits into the grand scheme of things, here's a quick summary. The game is a new IP from Bandai Namcoset in a future where Earth has been devastated by catastrophic events. With humanity in decline and new threats emerging, survival depends on cooperation between humans and AI. And of course, a good dose of mecha destruction.


The name SYNDUALITY is a reference to the duality between humans and their AI counterparts, exploring how these two entities must work together to overcome the challenges of a destroyed world. This relationship is at the core of the game, influencing everything from the narrative to the gameplay. In a world where trust is rare and resources are scarce, the alliance between humans and machines will be the key to survival.

Sign Up Before It's Too Late!

If you're a fan of mecha games, fast-paced action, and a good PvPvE challenge, SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA promises to be an unmissable title in 2024. With the opportunity to participate in the Closed Network Testyou can be one of the first to explore the ruins of Amasia and customize your own CRADLECOFFIN to face the challenges that lie ahead.

So, don't waste time—access the official website, register and get ready to enter a world where technology and survival meet in a deadly dance. The future may be bleak, but with a well-equipped mecha and a Magus By your side, you can be the light that will guide humanity back from the shadows.


SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA: Closed Test Promises Adventure

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SYNDUALITY ECHO OF ADA: Closed Test Promises Adventure

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