Doctor aborted 10-year-old girl wins lawsuit against priest who accused him of murder

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Doctor aborted 10-year-old girl

Doctor aborted 10-year-old girl – Doctor Olímpio Barbosa de Moraes Filho won a lawsuit for moral damages against Father Lodi da Cruz almost three years after carrying out the procedure permitted by law to terminate the pregnancy of a 10-year-old child who was raped. The priest was condemned to pay R$10,000 in compensation ‘for publishing texts with accusations against the professional of “murder”, when talking about the case.

Doctor aborted 10-year-old girl The 10-year-old girl, victim of a rape in São Mateus, Espírito Santo, terminated her pregnancy in August 2020 with judicial authorization from Espírito Santo. Photo: Reproduction/Abrasco

The procedure was performed in August 2020, at the Amaury de Medeiros Health Center (Cisam), in Recife, where Olímpio worked as an obstetrician and hospital director. On the day of the child’s hospitalization, several groups linked to Christian churches held a protest outside the hospital.

The sentence was applied on March 2nd in the first instance at the 23rd Civil Court of the Capital and is subject to appeal. In the action, the director presented as evidence texts posted by the priest on the website of the Associação Provida de Anápolis, in which the doctor is addressed as a “murderer”. The defense claimed, however, that the term used was “murder”.

In response, the judge found that, despite the defendant’s claim that the content had been altered, the priest used a “slanderous term” to refer to the doctor. “I also see that, despite freedom of expression, one cannot blame someone else. Comments divide opinions. Therefore, freedom of expression and thought is not an absolute right and must be exercised with respect for the dignity of others so that it does not result in damage to the person’s honor, image and right to privacy. says the record.

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The doctor said in an interview with g1 that he considers the decision an achievement of “all doctors and health professionals and all society that defends the reproductive rights of women”. We who defend science, ethics, democracy, justice and the law are often attacked by people who do exactly the opposite. They spread lies, slander and use their places and powers – unfortunately, in this case, the church – to promote hatred.”he said.

For the doctor, the decision brings more security to professionals in the area and states that in the democratic state of law, there is no one above the law and this conveys more security so that they can continue to perform their duties.

about the case

The 10-year-old girl, victim of a rape in São Mateus, Espírito Santo, terminated her pregnancy in August 2020 with judicial authorization from Espírito Santo. The child’s name and hospital address were disclosed, resulting in demonstrations by groups opposed to abortion.

Featured Photo: Clinic in Recife where the abortion procedure was performed. Reproduction/G1

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Doctor aborted 10-year-old girl

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