Mendoza should win Soteldo’s spot in Santos’ starting lineup
Mendoza and Soteldo in training (photo description/Futebolclubista)
Another sure embezzlement in the Baixada team is the Defensor Felipe Jonatan who had a serious knee ligament injury, player will undergo surgery in the next few days. Despite still not having an official date for return, the estimate Recovery time for injuries of this degree is four to seven months. Therefore, Felipe Jonatan should miss the rest of the season or only return at the end of the year, two players are fighting for the spot on the Lateral, Newcomer Gabriel Inocêncio, who had a great campaign for Água Santa and was signed by the Santista team or Odair can opt for a player who has been in the squad longer, in this case the substitute would be left-back Lucas Pires.
Coach Odair Hellman must send the Santos on the pitch with the following lineup: John Paul; Nathan, Messiah, Edward Bauermann and Lucas Pires (Gabriel Inocêncio); Rodrigo Fernández, Dodi and Lucas Lima; Angelo, Mendoza and Marcos Leonardo.
For the Brazilian Championship, the Baixada Team comes from a 1-0 defeat by Grêmio, while Atlético Mineiro also comes from a bitter result in the competition, Galo lost to Vasco da Gama by 2-1.
The teams enter the field to try to scare away the ghost of defeats and try to climb the table as soon as possible, as this Brasileirão promises to be the most disputed in recent years.
Featured Photo: Mendoza in training for Santos.reproduction/CBN-Globo
Mendoza should win Soteldo’s spot in Santos’ starting lineup
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