Joel Embiid had promised the French president to play for the national team
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Joel Embiid sent a letter to Emmanuel Macron, president of France, saying he would not act for any other nation; pivot was called up by the USA
In recent days, the pivot Joel Embiid was officially called up by the selection of USA to compete for 2024 Paris Olympics. But what many didn't know was that the player had promised none other than the president of the France who would defend the national team in the competition.
In 2021, Embiid sent a letter to Emmanuel Macron confirming his decision to defend the French team and asking for the president's help in acquiring French citizenship. It is worth remembering that, until then, the player had never worn the shirt of any national team, leaving him able to choose between three nationalities: Cameroon (where he was born), the United States and France.
After an official call-up for the US team, a French newspaper obtains and publishes a letter from Joel Embiid written in 2021 to the French president, Emmanuel Macron, promising to play in the Olympics for France:
“Mr. President,
I know your sincere interest in basketball and your…
— Coast to Coast Brasil | NBA (@brasilcoast2) April 18, 2024
“After conversations with the French Basketball Federation, my choice was made. I would like to begin the process of acquiring my French citizenship and thus become available to be called up by the Blues. Therefore, I have no interest in playing for any other national team”, said Embiid, in an excerpt from the letter. The player completed the citizenship process in 2022, but preferred to defend the United States, being part of the North American super team that will go to the Olympics this year.
“I have never worn the colors of any team. It would be an immense honor for me to be able to join this French team to participate in the next major competitions, the first of which is the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. I am, of course, at your disposal and those who can help with this ambition in common that we have with the French National Team and its leaders. I thank you for your attention to my request and I ask that you believe, Mr. President, in the expression of my deepest consideration.”completed the pivot.
Joel Embiid had promised the French president to play for the national team
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Joel Embiid had promised the French president to play for the national team