Find out prices and where to buy clothes from Sasha Meneghel's brand
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Sasha Meneghel, who has graduated in fashion since 2019, spent two and a half years of a lot of research and dedication to create her own brand of women's and men's clothing. In a recent fashion show that took place in São Paulo, the brand paraded in front of several celebrities who were present to honor the newest designer on the market, some personalities such as: Xuxa Meneghel, Gkay, Bruna Marquezine and Thaís Araújo. Sasha put together a presentation of 36 looks for the catwalk, and after countless compliments, fans are interested in accessing the prices and place to buy the pieces.
Brand post (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@mondepars)
Prices and where to buy
The Mondepars brand has its own e-commerce, which is accessed through the brand's website, which is also available in the brand's Instagram bio. After researching prices, the cheapest item in the collection is a cap with the logo embroidered, worth R$230.00. Among the highest-value pieces are a blazer worth R$3,190.00 and a party dress worth R$2,690.00. The traditional white button-down shirt, which can be used in different styles, starts at R$990.00.
Brand post (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@mondepars)
The pieces
The collection presented brought diversity and sobriety. The brand catered to different tastes and styles, offering more classic pieces and some very bold ones. In terms of colors, the palette consists of brown, gray, green, white and red. Even though there are named female and male categories, several pieces can flow in both genders. The versatility in composing different looks with the same pieces was highly praised by those present and the general public. One of the most talked about looks was a black dress with a long neckline at the back that Sasha created in honor of her friend Bruna Marquezine.
Featured photo: Photos from the Mondepars fashion show (Reproduction/Zé Takahashi/Instagram/@mondepars)
Find out prices and where to buy clothes from Sasha Meneghel's brand
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Find out prices and where to buy clothes from Sasha Meneghel's brand