Capcom had record number of games sold in the last year

The number is considerably higher than the 32.6 million sold in the previous fiscal year and beat the company’s record for games sold in a 12-month period.
Capcom said the sales helped it achieve its sixth straight year of record profit “at all levels” and its 10th straight year of operating income growth.
Two games contributed heavily to this, including the Resident Evil 4 remake which has sold 3.75 million copies, and Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak with 5.45 million.
After the release of the positive numbers, Capcom shares on the Tokyo stock exchange hit a new all-time high, coming in at $38.97. To get an idea of the company’s rapid growth, ten years ago the value was US$ 2.92 per share.
Capcom hopes to break sales and profit records again in the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2024. For this, it will have the launch of Street Fighter 6 in June and its new IP, Exoprimal, in July .
Capcom had record number of games sold in the last year
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