Does car insurance have a waiting period? | Find out with SeguroAuto

by Xavier Catherine
Does car insurance have a waiting period? | Find out
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It is common for health insurance plans to have a waiting period before you can use them, but does car insurance have a waiting period too? Here, we will explain whether this waiting period exists and answer all your questions on the subject.

Have you signed the contract with your insurance company and are you wondering whether you have to wait a while for your car to be protected because you forgot to ask about the waiting period?

Don't worry, because there is no waiting period for this type of insurance. However, it is still worth understanding when this service becomes valid if something happens to your car.

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Does car insurance have a waiting period?

Image: Getty

When does auto insurance protection start to apply?

When you take out insurance, you need to have your vehicle inspected, unless it is considered a new car due to low mileage or it left the dealership already insured.

After this analysis of the company and an insurance protocol in hand (which can be done in person or online), you will already have protection for your car in case something happens.

Its validity is from 24 hours on the date indicated as the start date of the policy and goes until 24 hours on the day indicated as the end date of the coverage, also found in the service provision contract.

What to do after purchasing protection for your vehicle?

As stated, the start of the coverage validity period starts at midnight on the day indicated in the contract, however, this depends on the inspection to start being valid.

The inspection carried out by the insurance company works differently for different types of vehicles, and in different cases of contracting the service. So follow along and understand better:

  1. Taking out insurance for new cars

When you take out auto insurance for a brand new vehicle, you simply need to take the car's invoice to the insurance company along with the other necessary documents.

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Proving that the vehicle has not yet left the dealership, you will not need to undergo an inspection.

In this case, your car insurance will start to be valid immediately after signing the contract.

  1. Taking out insurance for used cars

If your car is not brand new, and you are taking out car insurance for the first time, then it must undergo an inspection carried out by professionals linked to the insurance company.

This inspection will serve to attest to the current conditions of the vehicle and release it for the protection offered by the insurance company or not.

It is carried out before the contract is signed, and for it to come into effect, the invoice for the first part of the contract or the full amount of the policy must be paid.

  1. Car insurance renewal

When you are looking to renew your auto insurance, whether with the same company or another insurance company.

If you are still within the validity period of your current policy, there is no need to undergo a new inspection. In other words, the new protection will begin as soon as the new policy is signed.

However, if your current validity has already expired, you will need to pay for a new inspection and wait for the vehicle to be analyzed and approved before contracting the service.

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When can car insurance be canceled?

If payment of the first installment of the insurance is not made, the service is automatically cancelled and the insurer may refuse coverage due to non-payment.

Likewise, if the customer does not pay the insurance on time, they may lose the service at any time.

Therefore, it is important that the customer asks the company how the grace period works if they are late in paying an installment but want to continue with the service.

In short, once your car has been inspected, you will be able to enjoy the benefits and advantages of having car insurance.

Since this service does not have a waiting period, even if you need to use it on the same day after the inspection, your rights will already be valid.

So just do everything with a reliable insurance company and clear up any doubts when signing the contract.

Does car insurance have a waiting period? | Find out with SeguroAuto

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Does car insurance have a waiting period? | Find out with SeguroAuto


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Does car insurance have a waiting period? | Find out with SeguroAuto

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