Family Talks About Presenter's Health
This Tuesday (30), a tribute to the 60th anniversary of the Silvio Santos Program was recorded in the SBT studios, ironically without the presence of the communications master and owner of the station, Silvio Santos himself.
The special was conducted by the presenter's daughter, Patrícia Abravanel and had the participation of Silvio's wife, Íris Abravanel and the couple's other five daughters. The absence of the communicator in the recordings raised suspicions about his health but everything was explained by the family.
Patrícia Abravanel said that her father does not know the details of the tribute, part of the plans remained secret because there was a chance that Silvio would not allow the event to happen. According to the TV newsPatrícia stated that she was in doubt whether or not to invite the honoree, and concluded: “Imagine if I called him and he said: 'He's not going to do anything like that, I don't want tribute, I don't want self-promotion'”.
Íris Abravanel reassured the audience by saying that the presenter's health is good and also confessed that she is loving having her husband at home, just for her.
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of Porgrama Silvio Santos (reproduction/Instagram @pgmsilviosantos).
This morning, more speculation about Silvio's health was raised, when influencer Rodrigo Leroy used social media to share information told by the artist's hairdresser and friend, Jassa. According to him, the owner of SBT was weak and had difficulty walking and for this reason he would not have attended the recordings in honor of his program's 60th anniversary.
The information was given by Jassa, in public, at the door of his salon to friends who expected the presenter to appear at the establishment, which did not happen. On the subject, Íris spoke to the press.
“It’s been a really good time as a couple, as a family. He is very well”, said the author.
Silvio Santos' advisor reinforced that the negative rumors about the presenter's health are nothing more than fake news and assured that the presenter's health is excellent.
Featured Photo: Silvio Santos (reproduction/Instagram @silviosantostvsbt).
Family Talks About Presenter's Health
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