Krafton Buys Tango Gameworks: Hi-Fi Rush Will Continue

by stephen Douglas
Krafton Buys Tango Gameworks: Hi Fi Rush Will Continue

Krafton Buys Tango Gameworks: Hi-Fi Rush Will Continue
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There's a twist worthy of a Mexican soap opera! Tango Gameworks, the studio that everyone thought would say goodbye with the launch of the Xbox, has just been saved by Kraftonthe company that brought us PUBG and The Callisto Protocol.

And look, not only did they save it, they also gave the guys an extra boost to continue working on that great game that is Hi-Fi Rush.

The Plot Twist That No One Expected

If you, like me, were already getting your tissues ready to say goodbye to Tango Gameworks after the announcement that Xbox would be closing the studio's doors in April, you can save that sadness for another day. In a “last minute” move, Krafton stepped in and closed the purchase of Tango, ensuring that the Japanese studio will continue to be alive, kicking ass and, of course, producing the delights that we love.

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Krush-For-All's New Home

Now under Krafton's leadership, Tango Gameworks will continue doing what it does best: innovating. And, man, Hi-Fi Rush Not only will it continue strong, but Krafton has already said that there will be many more good things to come. In other words, if you were already thinking that this story was going to end, you can breathe a sigh of relief. There's more music, more rhythm and more stylized fights on the way.

Hi-Fi Rush: The Game You Can't Stop Playing

Released in January 2023, Hi-Fi Rush arrived breaking everything and proving that rhythm and fighting can, indeed, go hand in hand. With a visual style that is practically a slap in the face because it is so beautiful, and a gameplay that makes even the most clumsy players move, this game is the cherry on the cake for Tango Gameworks. And now, with Krafton in control, we can expect this party to continue for a long time.

But what about the other Tango games?

And who is a fan of The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo and all that darker vibe of Tango, you can rest assured too. Krafton has assured that it will not change anything that has already been released. So, you will still be able to lose yourself in the haunted streets of Tokyo or in the psychological nightmares of The Evil Within No problem at all. And who knows what else is coming, right? Now with this new partnership, the possibilities are endless.

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A Summary of the Tango Gameworks Saga

For those who have just arrived at the dispute, Tango Gameworks was founded by none other than Shinji Mikamithe guy who brought terror to life with Resident Evil. Since 2010, the studio has been delivering games that tickle our nerves and test our courage. But then, out of nowhere, they release Hi-Fi Rush and show that, in addition to being good at horror, they also know how to create one of the most fun and exciting games of the last decade.

Now, with Krafton, we can expect this creativity to not only continue, but to go even further. And that’s plenty of reason to celebrate.

The Music Continues!

If you thought the story of Tango Gameworks was over, it's time to press play again. With Krafton at the wheel, we can expect not only more Hi-Fi Rushbut also new IPs and lots of good stuff that will leave everyone speechless. So, get your joystick ready, because the music won't stop any time soon – and we're more than ready to dance.

Krafton Buys Tango Gameworks: Hi-Fi Rush Will Continue

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Krafton Buys Tango Gameworks: Hi-Fi Rush Will Continue

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