Learn about the terminal cancer of athlete Chris Hoy, six-time Olympic champion
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Former British cyclist Chris Hoy, six-time Olympic champion, revealed he has terminal cancer, with a prognosis from doctors of just two to four years to live. The statement was made in an interview with The Sunday Times newspaper. Hoy, 48, is one of the UK's most renowned athletes.
Image by Chris Hoy (Photo: reproduction/Getty Images Embed/Visionhaus)
In the interview, he reported having gone to the hospital in September last year due to shoulder pain. After examinations, a tumor was identified in the region. However, additional tests revealed that this was not the initial focus of the disease. The results showed primary prostate cancer, indicating that the athlete was already facing an advanced stage of metastasis.
Ministry of Health informs
According to information from the Ministry of Health, cancer is a disease resulting from the uncontrolled growth of cells. This phenomenon occurs when, during the natural process of cell division, some cells present mutations in their DNA, leading to their disordered proliferation and dissemination throughout the body, which are then called cancer cells.
According to the United States National Cancer Institute, tumors can appear in virtually any part of the body, from solid organs to cells of the immune system. However, if not quickly identified and treated, cancer cells can “spread to distant locations in the body, forming new tumors,” a process known as metastasis.
Chris Hoy situation
In the case of the British athlete, tests revealed that the initial prostate cancer had already spread, causing tumors in the shoulder, pelvis, hip, spine and ribs. Therefore, the prognosis indicates that the disease is in a terminal stage, and that Chris only has a few years to live.
According to a study group from the Santiago Medical Society, in Chile, there are some criteria for classifying a patient as being in a terminal stage. These criteria include having a serious, progressive and irreversible disease, with a prognosis of imminent or relatively short-term death.
At the time of diagnosis, the condition cannot be treated using known or proven effective treatments that could alter the prognosis of imminent death. In short, this is a patient whose disease has no more treatment options and, due to its progressive nature, there is a high probability that it will lead to death.
Featured photo: Chris Hoy (Reproduction/GettyImages Embed/Ton de Wailes)
Learn about the terminal cancer of athlete Chris Hoy, six-time Olympic champion
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Learn about the terminal cancer of athlete Chris Hoy, six-time Olympic champion