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Liesbeth Lagemaat has won the Grand Poetry Prize 2021 with her collection Vissenschild. As part of her prize, the poet receives a sum of 25,000 euros.
Of this amount, 5,000 euros is earmarked for a project to stimulate Dutch poetry of the choice of the winning author.
The jury received a total of 107 collections of poetry to judge, after which Lagemaat’s work was chosen as the winner.
“It is a breathtaking work in which a bizzling poetic game is played. With this poetry, the poet shows great ambition and courage, but also the ability to link a great reading with the current zeitgeist”, reads the jury’s verdict, which includes Frits Spits and poet Nisrine Mbarki.
Lagemaat received the C. Buddingh’ prize for her debut A Grim Forest in My Throat from 2005. Fish shield is her seventh volume.
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