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Maria Lina says that her work as an influencer helped her father retire
The influencer and businesswoman Maria Lina told, in an interview with “Who”, that his work as an influencer made it possible for his father to retire. In an article published this Saturday (17), about to complete 2 years working with the internet, and even with her success in the field, the influencer says that she started to undertake so as not to depend solely on views and numbers.
Maria Lina24 years old, is the ex-girlfriend of Whindersson Nunes, and debuted on social media in 2021, more precisely in August. About to complete 2 years as an influencer, Maria He recalled what it was like to have his life and that of his family changed in just 24 hours.
“I slept with 200 thousand followers and woke up with 2 million or so. I gained two and a half million followers in 24 hours'', she says. Maria says that since starting his career on the internet he has tried to keep his feet on the ground. “Everything in life that is built without constancy and without structure can collapse at any moment”, she says, saying that she is aware that just as she started quickly, she could leave just as quickly.
Maria He also said that one of his life goals was to retire his father, so that he and his mother would not have to dedicate themselves to work. The influencer states that it only took a month for this to be possible. “My family will never need to work again because I will always help them”she says.
Maria Lina with her parents. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@marialdgg)
Even though it has gained millions of followers and been successful on social media since it started, Maria He took advantage of the fruits of this to start his own business. Today she is a member of “Jungle Hot Dogs” and owner of “Miami Nails”. Lina says that entrepreneurship came from the thought that work in the Instagram could end one day: “I built my Instagram from scratch and the numbers were very fast for me, I thought: 'I need to build something outside of here that doesn't depend on the numbers to exist'.
The influencer says she keeps in mind that she can last two or 15 years on the internet, and that's why she had other choices instead of “stocking of luxury brands”. With life stabilized at 24 years old, Maria She says that she doesn't just covet things for herself, and that she needs to make the people she loves happy and have a peaceful life.
Featured Photo: Maria Lina. Reproduction/Instagram/@marialdgg.
Maria Lina says that her work as an influencer helped her father retire
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