Mario Testino makes a nostalgic publication with Brazilian tops

Mario Testino makes a nostalgic publication with Brazilian tops

Mario Testino makes a nostalgic publication with Brazilian tops

The photographer Mario Testino published on his social network a carousel with photos of his work in the 1990s. Ana Claudia Michels, Fernanda Tavares, Gisele Bundchen It is Mariana Weickert, to whom he declared his admiration. Some of the top models interacted with last Wednesday’s publication (26).

In a nostalgic mood, Testino dedicated the caption to model and friend Mariana Weickert. He said that he met her after working with Gisele and having more contact with Brazil. “She was always fun, full of life and enthusiastic about everything”, wrote Weickert’s friend. The archive is a mixture of editorials and a moment when she was in front of the camera with her friends. In addition to highlighting the fun time at the time, he also took the opportunity to say that he considers beauty important, but that it is “partially defined by incredible personality” of the person, just as Mariana’s is for him.

Post by Mario Testino with Brazilian Tops (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @mariotestino)

The memory of the photographer and creative director represents part of a decade in which the top Brazilian models formed a team of highly praised names in the fashion market of that period, the supermodels. Ana Cláudia Michels, Fernanda Tavares, Gisele Bündchen and Mariana Weickert were and still are considered icons of the catwalks and campaigns of the best known brands in the world at the height of the 1990s. They all marked a generation before moving away from the catwalks, but not for good . Turns and moves they are seen in campaigns for big brands or participating in events related to the fashion world. Michels commented on the publication with a compliment for the photos.

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Mariana Weickert was the one who most interacted with the publication, thanking the compliments of the comments she received. After the success of her modeling career, Weickert dedicated herself to hiring on TV as a presenter and reporter on different stations, including the Band, GNT and Record channels. Like her fellow “supermodels”, in her networks, she usually shares moments with her family, friends and work, which she still maintains a relationship with fashion.

Mario Testino and Mariana Weickert (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @mariweikert)

Used to dealing with models from different corners of the world, Testino, who is of Peruvian origin, mentions that the moments with the Brazilian women were always fun. Despite his fame also being attributed to works with Madonna, Princess Diana, campaigns for Versacce and photographs for Vanity Fair, the relationship with Brazil is one of the milestones in Mario Testino’s identity, which involves great friends, housing and editorials with location in the country.

Cover Photo: Ana Cláudia Michels, Fernanda Tavares, Mario Testino, Gisele Bundchen and Mariana Weicker – Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @mariotestino

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Mario Testino makes a nostalgic publication with Brazilian tops

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