Mascherano is charged with espionage
Before Argentina’s second U-20 World Cup match, Albiceleste coach Javier Mascherano was denounced by Guatemala for spying
Now, when it looked like it would be a simple week of work for the Argentine national team and especially for Mascherano, who had been the focus of attention at the start of the World Cup, a very serious denouncement by Guatemala abruptly changed the climate in the preparation for the game.
In recent hours, the news has emerged that Guatemala has denounced the Argentine national team for spying on training before Tuesday’s game at the Madre de Ciudades stadium.
As confirmed by the medium double yellowGuatemala accused the Argentine national team of spying.
“The DT denounced that a member of the Argentine delegation infiltrated the locker room and filmed the strategy of the Central Americans”detailed the sports portal through its official account on twitter.

Text translated from the site 442 Profile.
Mascherano is charged with espionage
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