Research reveals that creatine can help with brain processing and memory
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Scientists from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine of Forschungszentrum Jülich, in Germany, recently carried out research that was published in the renowned scientific journal Scientific Reports. The study shows that a high dose of creatine can help with the brain processes of mentally fatigued and sleep-deprived people.
This substance has gained space in gyms around the world. Its use can offer a temporary improvement in metabolism for better performance.
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Creatine is widely used by people who adhere to physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle (Photo: reproduction/bymuratdeniz/GettyImages Embed)
Understand the research
The study involved the participation of 15 people who were sleep deprived overnight. These volunteers performed several cognitive tests during this period and after receiving high doses of creatine, it was observed that cognitive performance improved in the tests despite fatigue.
The greatest performance of the substance in the participants' bodies was observed four hours after use and lasted for nine hours. Tests showed that creatine also helped with short-term memory. Creatine is found naturally in the human body, and is important for producing energy for muscle cells.
Benefits and harms
Creatine supplementation has been associated with several benefits for health and physical performance. The highlight is the increase in muscle mass, muscle recovery and improving bone density, resulting from the increase in lean mass, which can contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis.
Although creatine is considered safe for most people when used according to professional recommendations, excessive consumption can lead to side effects, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, cramps, dehydration and kidney overload.
It is not recommended that individuals consume high doses of creatine without medical supervision, due to the potential risks to kidney health. Future research may reveal cognitive benefits for improving focus and concentration over longer periods of time.
Featured Photo: study reveals that creatine helps with brain processing and memory (Reproduction/Djavan Rodriguez/GettyImages Embed)
Research reveals that creatine can help with brain processing and memory
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Research reveals that creatine can help with brain processing and memory