RIVAL IN DRAGON BALL – Dragon Ball is a popular franchise around the world, and features iconic characters like Saiyan Prince Vegeta . He believes that Goku is his great rival and is always training to overcome him, but in fact the character may have another even greater rival!
When Vegeta enters the series , his relationship with Goku and the other Earthlings is not the best, he is a villain with a hardened heart who seeks to destroy humanity and sell the planet. RIVAL IN DRAGON BALL
But the so-called Saiyan prince, had no insecurities about his power level, that is until he met Goku, who possessed a power of over 8,000.
Even with a powerful enemy, Vegeta still manages to defeat him and only takes the worst of it when the other Z Fighters join the fight.
Thus, Vegeta only began to see “Kakaroto” as a threat when Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan for the first time. That’s when Vegeta’s rivalry and desire to overcome the protagonist began.
In the sagas of androids and Cell, Vegeta managed to reach the level of Super Saiyan and even reached a greater power than that, becoming Super Vegeta, but was soon overshadowed.
Vegeta’s other rival
After absorbing androids 17 and 18, Cell unlocked his perfect form, and that made Vegeta very happy, as it was an opportunity to show what the ‘Super’ form, of him and his son Trunks, could do (even if that form didn’t was as powerful as a Super Saiyan 2)
With the power of ‘Super’ form, Vegeta was able to defeat a Semi-Perfect Cell with ease, then encouraged the enemy to reach his full power.

But when he went to face Cell in his perfect form, Vegeta soon discovered that he would be defeated, but there was another who could defeat him.
And who gave the tip was none other than Krillin, who said that Trunks had more chances to beat Perfect Cell than Vegeta.
Krillin could also have said that Trunks not only surpassed the level of a Super Saiyan, but that his ‘Super’ form was more powerful than his father’s. And that means that even though Vegeta had surpassed Goku (temporarily), he was still weaker than another Saiyan warrior, Trunks!
See below the fight between Perfect Cell and Super Trunks:
This showed that Trunks had stolen the position of Vegeta’s main rival from Goku. After realizing this, the Saiyan Prince became determined to be stronger than his son, so he would even be stronger than Goku.
Of course, this power relationship didn’t last long, because at that moment, Goku and Gohan were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and when they left there, they were much stronger than before.

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