22 new reports about discrimination by the Tax and Customs Administration

by Admin
Tax and Customs Administration

Tax and Customs Administration – Since 15 September, the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights has received 22 new reports of discrimination by the Tax and Customs Administration around the allowances scandal. The independent supervisor will let us know.

The fact that many new reports have been received in the past few weeks seems to be a consequence of a decision by the College of Human Rights on 15 September.

The supervisory authority stipulated that from now on the tax authorities must prove that they have not discriminated against victimised benefit parents in the event of individual complaints. Until then, the burden of proof lay with the parents.

The parents are now stronger in their individual cases. “People are now thinking: ‘This could also apply to me,'” a spokesperson for the College said.

Tax and Customs Administration

Among the 22 reporters are 8 allowance parents who ask the Board for a ruling because of their suspicion that the Tax and Customs Administration has discriminated against them.

In the whole of 2021, the regulator received 52 requests for a ruling on possible discrimination by the tax authorities. In that year, a total of 148 reports were made to the College.

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Rulings of the Board weigh heavily in the courtroom

Judgments of the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights are not binding. The regulator can also not impose damages or penalties. But a judgment of the human rights institute does weigh heavily in court rulings.

In addition, the government promised in 2020 that the Tax and Customs Administration will recognise and follow up on the board’s judgments.

From 2021 to mid-September this year, the Board dealt with 63 requests for a ruling on discrimination by the Tax and Customs Administration. The spokesperson says on behalf of the regulator that it is not yet clear whether all eight new requests for a ruling will be processed.

But the College is pleased that possible victims come forward. “In any case, every report is a signal that people know where we are suspected of discrimination by the tax authorities.”


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