The War Within Series 1 Is On Fire
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Hey there, champions of Azerothare you ready for another epic fight? Because World of Warcraft Series 1: The War Within is already among us, and Blizzard is not joking around. You can now sharpen your sword, prepare that top spell and call the clan guys, because things are going to get tense! As always, Azeroth is in danger, and this time, the threat comes from Nerub-ar Palacehome of the Queen Ansurek and his gang nerubians bloodthirsty.
For those who enjoy a well-made fight, the new series brought not only a raid brand new, but also dungeons, world bosses, pvp and even a resource of immersions which promises to upgrade gameplay. And if you're wondering, “Is it worth going back to WoW?” Well, if the promise of epic loot and fighting isn't enough, I don't know what else to say.
The Great Challenge: Nerub-ar Palace
The cherry on the cake in this update is the raid node Nerub-ar Palace. You know those places where you walk in and you already know that things are going to get bad? Well, that's the vibe here. Queen Ansurek and her gang of nerubians are ready to give you trouble, and if you're not prepared, you'll get your ass kicked without mercy. eight bosses in total, with the right strategies and mechanics that will make you rethink whether it was even a good idea to face this in mode Heroic. If you are one of the more cautious types, Raid Finder (LR) The first wing is already open, so you can test the waters before diving in head first.
Now, if you are that player who loves a challenge, the mode Mythical It's coming soon, September 17th. And let's be honest, right? There's no better feeling than going into a raid with your friends, facing that seemingly impossible boss and coming out victorious (or at least surviving the first round).
Dungeons for Every Taste – From Cataclysm to Shadowlands
Not up for taking on Queen Ansurek yet? No problem, because dungeon rotation of Series 1 is full of options for you and your guild to play. From the scary Mists of Tirna Scitheof the expansion Shadowlandseven the classic and chaotic Grim Batolof Cataclysmthere is content for everyone. And if you are one of those who enjoy revisiting the old days, there is also Siege of Boralus of Battle for Azeroth. Ah, the nostalgia of BFA, isn't it? Who doesn't remember the good times of trying to defeat Lady Ashvane while she released those damn water bubbles?
World Bosses: Big People
As if dungeons and raids weren't enough to eat up your free time, Blizzard has decided to add new World Chiefs for you to face. You know that moment when you and your guild are walking peacefully through Azeroth and suddenly a colossus that seems to be invincible? That's what I'm talking about.
The new bosses are: Kordac, the Sleeping Protector (that boss that looks like a pole, but moves faster than you imagine), Aggregation of Horrors (basically a meatball that will make you rethink your life choices), Shurrai, Deep Sea Atrocity (an underwater nightmare that will test your patience) and Orta, the Broken Mountain (a mountain… that walks). These World Bosses will guarantee some serious loot, but only if you can take down these monstrosities.
PvP: It's Time to Kick Your Opponents' Asses
If you are more of a PvP team player and are tired of facing only NPCs, new PvP series arrived too. The queue for Solo Ranked Battlegrounds is released, so you can now join that insane fight to try to climb the rankings. Nothing like that taste of victory when you knock out an opponent who, seconds before, you thought was going to win easily.
Be it in the Arena or us BattlefieldsSeries 1 promises jaw-dropping clashes (literally, if you take a crit right in the face). So, prepare your best builds, let your friends know and let's dominate the battlefield.
New Feature: Immersions (For Those Who Like Complication)
And since Blizzard likes something new, they brought a new feature: Immersions. No, it's not the kind of relaxing soak in the jacuzzi after a night of raiding (it could be). This new system unlocks special abilities as you level up, and let's be honest, the more game customization options, the better, right? So, for those who enjoy these more complex mechanics, go ahead and explore every last detail.
What's Coming
If you thought all this was too much, hold on tight, because one day September 17th It's going to be the big moment. Mythic Dungeons+the Mythic mode of the raid, the Wing 2 from the Raid Finder and the Big Vault will be available to the more hardcore crowd. And seriously, who doesn't love opening the Great Vault and being disappointed with the loot? But this time, who knows, maybe luck will turn.
So, get ready, warriors, because Azeroth has never been so full of epic drama. And if you were still on the fence about returning to World of Warcraftthis is the perfect time to dive in head first. Want more excitement than that? Only if they release an expansion where you can play as one of the World Bosses (here's a tip, Blizzard).
The War Within Series 1 Is On Fire
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The War Within Series 1 Is On Fire