Understand how important it is to have car insurance

by Xavier Catherine
Understand how important it is to have car insurance

Understand how important it is to have car insurance
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Only those who struggle to buy a car know how important it is to have car insurance, and the difference it can make in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If you fit this profile, or if you are still in doubt about whether or not to take out insurance, read this article and see some good reasons!

Having a car means achieving greater mobility and quality of life. After all, when you have your own vehicle, coming and going becomes much simpler.

Running the risk of losing such an expensive asset in an instant is something that worries many people.

And this risk is not restricted to robberies or thefts, there are several other factors that can cause you to lose your vehicle and be forced to bear a huge loss.

According to research, in 2016 alone, more than 27,000 vehicles were stolen, of which only 11,000 were recovered, the rest were considered missing.

It is believed that the remaining vehicles not located were sent to be dismantled.

However, it is estimated that around 70% of cars in circulation in Brazil do not have insurance.

In other words, Brazilians still don’t understand how important it is to have car insurance.

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However, this scenario is expected to change over the next few years, thanks to increased awareness among drivers and rising vehicle prices.

At the same time, research indicates that 1 in 7 cars are involved in accidents on Brazilian roads, of minor or major severity.

Part of this is due to the fact that roads in Brazil are experiencing increasingly high traffic volumes.

This increase in car prices means that insurance is increasingly worthwhile, as the loss can be greater in the event of a total loss or even a partial loss, as parts also become more expensive.

This makes many Brazilians stop thinking that insurance is expensive or unnecessary.

Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly easier to take out insurance, as it is now possible to talk to insurance brokers and insurance companies online, without having to leave home.

This way, you can find different quotes and benefits and find the best option.

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Understand how important it is to have car insurance

Why is it important to have car insurance?

Security for your vehicle

Certainly the most important factor in having vehicle insurance is knowing that if any problem occurs, you will be covered and your expenses will not be as high as expected.

Refund in case of total loss

When you have car insurance, you know that if there is a problem with your vehicle, be it a collision, fire or any other problem that causes the vehicle to be declared a total loss, you will not be left out of pocket.

After all, the insurance will guarantee reimbursement for your vehicle.

Cheaper repairs

Another important factor in having car insurance is the cost of repairs that are occasionally necessary.

Cars often have problems, and sometimes just replacing a headlight can be much more expensive than you might think.

When you have insurance, these repairs are much more affordable.

24h assistance

Another advantage of having insurance is being able to count on 24-hour assistance, which in most cases guarantees services such as:

  • Winch;
  • Keychain;
  • Assistance with dry and electrical failures, and much more.

Discounts on revisions

One of the advantages of having insurance is getting discounts on mandatory inspections and maintenance.

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There are many companies and workshops that are accredited with insurance companies and offer these discounts.

Third party coverage

Many times, even when being cautious, people end up getting involved in accidents and causing material or even physical damage to third parties.

When you have car insurance, these damages, and possible hospital expenses, can be covered by the insurer.

Protection against theft and robbery

One of the biggest fears for those who depend on their vehicle to work, or to constantly come and go, is having their vehicle stolen or robbed.

The fear of losing such an expensive asset in just a few moments is frightening.

Having insurance ensures that if this happens, you will not be left out of pocket.

Spare car

Despite being an optional benefit, the reserve car service can make all the difference when taking out car insurance.

Knowing that even if your car has to stop for whatever reason, you won't be left stranded is reassuring.

Trips made by car

For those who often travel long distances by car, insurance can also be an excellent ally.

This is because many insurance companies offer coverage throughout the country.

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This way, regardless of any unforeseen event that may occur, the driver can remain calm and safe, without the risk of ruining his vacation.

Protection for natural phenomena

Another important point that is worth having coverage for is natural phenomena.

If the insurance offered does not cover these events, it is worth taking out this additional option.

This is because, in our country, we have a lot of storms, floods and falling trees, for example, practically throughout the entire territory, and at various times of the year.

And these weather events can cause great harm to the driver, and may even result in a total loss.

Advantages for policyholders

In addition to all the advantages mentioned throughout this article, which are common to practically all insurance companies, there are also some exclusive advantages that some companies offer to their customers.

Examples of these benefits include: discounts on parking, courses and special automotive services.

Don't run the risk of losing a big investment, and for some people, their big dream, due to carelessness.

Insurance is a small expense compared to everything it can prevent, especially once you understand how important it is to have car insurance.

So, get your quote now and forget about worries!

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Understand how important it is to have car insurance

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Understand how important it is to have car insurance


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