virus with 88% lethality causes deaths in Rwanda
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Last Saturday (28), the office of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Africa released a note warning about a new outbreak of the Marburg virus registered in the country. In total, 26 cases have already been confirmed with 6 fatalities, which were registered in 7 districts of the country. There are 20 confirmed cases that are isolated and undergoing treatment, and authorities are already moving to investigate and determine the origin of the infection.
Measures taken to combat the outbreak
In support of the country, the World Health Organization is mobilizing expertise and tools to help combat the outbreak, in addition to providing emergency medical supplies to assist medical teams in adopting measures to stop the spread of the virus. A range of clinical care and infection prevention and control supplies are being prepared and will be delivered to Kigali in the coming days.
The WHO Regional Director for Africa stated that they are putting all critical aspects of the outbreak response in motion to help Rwanda fight the spread of the virus quickly and effectively. “With the country’s already robust public health emergency response system, WHO is collaborating closely with national authorities to provide the necessary support to further enhance ongoing efforts.”Dr. Matshidiso Moeti reiterated.
Quick explanation of what the Marburg virus is (Video: reproduction/Youtube/@olaciencia)
Marburg virus vaccine
Despite efforts to timely detect and control the virus, preventing its spread, and medical measures taken to combat it, there is still no licensed vaccine currently available to effectively combat Marburg virus disease. The WHO is coordinating a group of experts to promote the preclinical and clinical development of vaccines and therapies against Marburg virus disease.
Symptoms of the Marburg virus in the human body
Among the symptoms described so far are fever, which if left untreated can quickly evolve into hemorrhagic fever, intense headache and severe malaise. The virus is transmitted by bats and, among humans, contamination occurs through direct contact with bodily fluids from infected people, surfaces and materials.
Featured photo: doctors equipped to combat the Marburg outbreak (Reproduction/World Health Organization for Africa)
virus with 88% lethality causes deaths in Rwanda
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virus with 88% lethality causes deaths in Rwanda