19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance

by Xavier Catherine
19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance

19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance
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Did you buy the motorcycle of your dreams and don't know which insurance to choose? Your goal is to have economical and quality insurance and you still have questions about how to proceed? Keep reading, in this article you will discover the best tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance!

For those who ride on the road, one of the biggest fears is having an accident with the vehicle or 'being stranded' due to a breakdown — and this is no different for those who own motorcycles. After all, safety is the first concern of any self-respecting driver.

Despite being mandatory by law, vehicle insurance (which includes motorcycles) is a service that tends to be expensive — even, when it comes specifically to motorcycle insurance, the value can be even higher, when compared proportionally to the of a car.

This happens because, unfortunately, motorcycles are in first place in the ranking of vehicles that are most involved in traffic accidents.

According to the DPVAT Quarterly Statistical Report from January to March 2020, 89,028 accidents were recorded, resulting in 9,298 deaths and more than 50,000 cases of permanent disability.

In this sense, it is very important that you protect yourself with insurance that has good coverage and, at the same time, has an affordable price that suits your needs.

If you want to know how to get cheap motorcycle insurance, don't waste time: keep reading this article and discover 19 tips that will help you in this mission!

19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance
Source: Pixabay

Table of Contents

19 tips for taking out economical insurance

1. Opt for simpler motorcycle insurance coverage

There is coverage for motorcycle insurance only for theft and theft.

Although it is more restricted, it is also cheaper than comprehensive coverage, which covers several different incidents.

So it doesn't just matter if you have a cheap or expensive motorcycle, model most targeted for theft and good profile analysis, the coverage contracted also weighs in the calculation of motorcycle insurance.

2. Saying 'yes' to tracker insurance can also help

A good way to take out cheap motorcycle insurance is to choose one that, in addition to having simpler coverage, also has a tracker so that, in the event of theft, it is easier to identify the location of the vehicle and recover it.

3. Research A LOT!

The only way to know if you are hiring one of the best motorcycle insurance For the lowest price, get quotes from several insurance companies. Compare the proposals with each other, considering values, coverage and possible extras.

Pay attention to the quality of service and the satisfaction rate of current customers. Pay particular attention to the number of existing complaints. These metrics are equally important for you to make an excellent price-quality choice.

4. Look for an insurance broker

The insurance broker is the professional trained to research and find lower insurance prices. It aims to meet the demands of its customers through its negotiating power.

Average price of Renault Alaskan insurance

Therefore, looking for an accredited, serious and ethical broker to purchase your motorcycle insurance is highly advisable, especially if it is your first purchase of this type.

Also, check if it works with the best motorcycle insurance, that is, with renowned insurance companies.

5. Detail your profile and routine

When choosing your insurance, correctly note the details of your personal information and routine. This way, the coverage purchased will have options suited to your profile as a motorcycle user.

6. Choose the right franchise

There are at least three types of motorcycle insurance deductibles: extended, basic and reduced.

It is essential that you choose the right franchise for your budget and needs. After all, choosing the right one means significant savings in the event of an accident.

7. Choose the ideal coverage

It is extremely important that you research and know the types of motorcycle cover existing in the plan and those that are really necessary in your daily life.

This research avoids unnecessary expenses with extra coverage that appears to be useful at the time of contracting, but is incompatible with your needs. Certain coverages end up never being relevant and represent a superfluous additional expense.

8. Pay attention to your bonus class

It's not just cars that have a bonus class. It also exists in motorcycle insurance and it is worth paying attention to when purchasing cheap motorcycle insurance.

To ensure that the bonus class is always high and constantly growing, do not activate the insurance in situations where it is necessary to pay the deductible.

9. Be an exemplary driver

Taking out motorcycle insurance tends to be cheaper for drivers who have a good driving record. Factors considered when contracting include the number of accidents, fines and previous insurance claims.

10. Don't leave your motorcycle on the street at night

Another factor that can make motorcycle insurance more expensive is leaving it overnight on the street.

If you don't have a garage in your home, rent one.

Average price table for C4 Cactus insurance

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Often, the value of a garage rental is less than an increase in the policy due to exposure to the risk of theft — which increases the insurance value significantly.

19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance 19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance
Tumisu image by Pixabay

11. Give way to parking lots

Leaving the motorcycle parked on the street during daily work or study can also make the insurance policy more expensive.

The insurer considers that the movement of people and vehicles on the street exposes the motorcycle to various risks. This increases the likelihood of having to use insurance in the event of some type of accident or damaging episode.

With this in mind, always try to safely leave your motorcycle in parking lots.

Your wallet will thank you!

12. Keep your bills up to date

Having a bad name or restrictions on your CPF do not prevent you from taking out motorcycle insurance; however, they can make the policy very expensive due to the associated risk of default.

Take care of your finances and avoid having your name dirty at all costs — your physical safety depends on how well you take care of your money!

13. Keep your motorcycle maintenance up to date

Vehicles that are neglected and poorly maintained show signs during the inspection that may cause the insurer to refuse to offer insurance or greatly increase the value of the policy due to the potential risk of damage to its components.

Therefore, it is essential that you have your motorcycle working properly and follow the manufacturer's guidelines so that maintenance is always up to date.

14. Install a tracker on your motorcycle

If you find very interesting coverage from an insurance company that does not work with trackers, you can choose to contract the tracking service separately, installing it yourself.

Having a tracker on your motorcycle will cause the value of the insurance coverage quoted to drop considerably.

15. Choose a tracker with a blocker

If in addition to the tracker you have a blocking system, your discount on motorcycle insurance will certainly be even greater.

Como um carro particular pode me ajudar?

These systems are responsible for cutting off the fuel supply to the engine, causing the vehicle to stop moving.

And this command can be sent remotely.

16. Get an insurance quote before buying the motorcycle

If you haven't bought your motorcycle yet, but are already thinking about hiring the cheap motorcycle insuranceget quotes on the models you are considering buying and see which one has a more affordable budget.

After all, your prior market research can save you thousands of reais annually. Therefore, consider the models of cheapest motorcycles on the market, among the ones that catch your attention the most.

17. Opt for less popular models

This tip is also valid for those who have not yet purchased their motorcycle: some models are highly targeted due to theft, and therefore have more expensive insurance.

Therefore, it is worth doing more in-depth research and opting for models that are less interesting in the eyes of thieves.

18. The newer your bike, the better

It is important to know that the newer your motorcycle, the cheaper the insurance for it will be.

If you haven't purchased one yet and are thinking about buying a used and/or older vehicle to save money, know that 'cheap will be expensive'.

The older the motorcycle, the more difficult it is to find replacement parts for it in the event of a partial accident and, therefore, the value of the policy taken out is also higher.

19. Prefer motorcycles with fewer kilometers driven

Mileage is also considered by the insurance company as an influencing factor in the price of policies, since the more a vehicle runs, the greater the chances of it presenting mechanical problems and causing an accident.

How to choose the best motorcycle insurance company?

To choose the most suitable insurance company to protect your property, you need to consider the company's reputation, taking into account customer opinions. After all, there are many companies that offer the best motorcycle insurance, but not all of them offer the best service when the driver needs it most.

Evaluate what customers are saying on specialized websites, such as Reclame Aqui and Procon. See comments on social media, such as on the channel Afrilatestin which many users leave their experience with insurance companies.

Analyze the plans offered, that is, whether the company offers the motorcycle coverage you need most. See if the insurance company customizes plans according to your needs. Don't just stick to cheap motorcycle insurance, but also the services included in the plan.

The best option is to make a list of around 5 of the best motorcycle insurance policies and get a quote from each insurer.

Enjoy and see our ranking with the best insurance companies and find out how to hire the best plan!

These are the main tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance – keep them in mind when making your quote and purchasing the ideal insurance for you!

Average price of Captiva insurance

Remember that it doesn't matter if you bought a cheap or higher priced motorcycle, the driver's profile weighs heavily in the insurance calculation and not just the value of the asset.

*Published on: 06/18/2020 and updated on 08/30/2022.

19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance

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19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance


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19 tips for taking out cheap motorcycle insurance

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