Cyndie Married at first sight: This physical peculiarity of Jauffrey on which she “blocked”

by James Williams
Cyndie Married at first sight This physical peculiarity of Jauffrey on which she blocked
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Cyndie Married at first sight – In the last episodes of “Married at First Sight”, viewers were able to witness the union of Cyndie and Jauffrey. If the two candidates found many points in common, the young woman was overwhelmed by stress and ended up blocking on a physical detail of her husband.

Recently in Married at First Sight, the union between Jauffrey and Cyndie took place in Gibraltar. The 39-year-old lifeguard and former high-level swimmer is 76% compatible with the 33-year-old beautician. Saying “yes” seemed obvious to both candidates despite the great anguish that invaded Cyndie just before meeting him.

Canon in a dress with a very pronounced neckline, she had nevertheless managed to make a lot of effect to her husband and later, they quickly realized their many common points on the way to the shooting.

So many positive points that had then reassured Cyndie. But at the reception, the pretty brunette reconnected with her stressed nature. So much so that she was obsessed all evening with a physical detail of Jauffrey.

This is what she revealed with amusement during an Instagram live this Wednesday, May 25 with the expert of the show Estelle Dossin. “I remember taking my friends quickly in the evening (of his wedding, editor’s note) saying, ‘Hey, I still said he had beautiful eyelashes,’” she recalled.

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And for her to confirm her first impression: “I really found that he had incredible eyelashes“.

Cyndie Married at first sight: This physical peculiarity of Jauffrey on which she “blocked”

Cyndie Married at first sight This physical peculiarity of Jauffrey on which she blocked

The fact that she was so focused by Jauffrey’s eyelashes is quite natural according to Estelle Dossin, who analyzed her behavior. “It’s a psychological reflex in a situation of intense stress. 

Your brain gets so much information that it can’t analyze everything, so it sets up a kind of microfilter, and all of a sudden, it’s going to block on a detail that may be trivial or something important to you,” she explained.

Taking an interest in her husband’s eyelashes then took on its full meaning for Cyndie who is a beautician and therefore necessarily has a lot of interest in the physical appearance of the people around her.

Cyndie and Jauffrey seem in any case well on their way to getting along wonderfully on the show. But be careful not to get carried away too quickly because, as other candidates have proven, the fairy tale can quickly turn into a nightmare.

Cyndie Married at first sight:


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