Skin barrier care tips
One of the biggest skincare lessons that must be learned is to keep the skin barrier well maintained and clean. The so-called skin barrier is located in the superficial layer of the epidermis, being responsible for skin care, hydration and protection against bacterial agents. This barrier is formed by cells of the stratum corneum, the most exposed layer of the skin, and by the substances it contains, such as ceramides, fatty acids, cholesterol and fat.
The natural barrier constituted by the skin is basically the mucous membranes, tears, mucus produced by the nostrils, earwax and gastric acid. This layer of lipids, ceramides, protects the skin region from external aggressions such as sun, wind, dirt, among others. And to keep it always healthy, it is necessary to restore it, through daily hydration, cleaning and protection.
How to know if your skin’s barrier has been or is being damaged, simply: it has redness and swelling; inflammation; itch; flaccidity; acne or dehydration. However, these are simple and superficial tips, consultation with an expert should be the first step.
Sunscreen should not be overlooked (Photo: Reproduction/ Kindel Media/ Pexels)
Human skin consists of three predominant layers, the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer, each of which contributes in various ways to skin protection. And the outermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis, which forms a kind of protective barrier. In addition to being the first and most external layer, it is in turn composed of cells in the stratum corneum and elements that unite these cells, forming a perfect barrier of physical protection, both microbial and chemical.
Tips on how to help with daily protection are simple and not at all questionable, such as, when taking a shower, in addition to an antibacterial soap helping, avoid taking extremely hot showers; skin hydration starts from the inside out, with lots of water and healthy foods, so switch to a cream suitable for your skin type and sunscreen should be used daily, even indoors.
Simplify your skin care routine, you don’t need much, avoid actives, in addition to daily cleaning, twice a day is indicated, the use of moisturizer, even if your skin is oily, you can find several options for skin oily without it costing much. And one of the most important tips is to consult your dermatologist to choose the best products for your skin and your pocket, avoid tips on social networks, as they rarely show the truth.
Fruits in general are beneficial, check with your doctor if your body is lacking any necessary vitamins. Berries, for example, have antioxidants and vitamin C, which can help protect against sun damage, they also provide important nutrients for protein formation and skin support, such as collagen and elastin.
Featured photo: Well hydrated skin. Playback/ Sam Lion/ Pexels
Skin barrier care tips
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