15 situations that devalue your car when selling

by Xavier Catherine
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15 situations that devalue your car when selling
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Is it time to exchange your car for a newer one or one that better meets your needs? Pay attention to what could get in the way of a good offer.

Unfortunately, in the Brazilian car market, a car that is one year old can suffer a depreciation of 7% to up to 23% of its value. Even if you are a careful owner, there are commercial factors that define this depreciation.

In general, in addition to market laws, small bumps and scratches are responsible for depreciation. To avoid an even greater devaluation, it is important that the car has its mechanical and structural parts preserved, with revisions carried out and noted, preferably at the brand's dealerships.

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Dealers give preference to well-maintained cars, because buyers look for vehicles that look new. Furthermore, there are conditions that can have a greater impact on resale value, such as mileage.

15 situations that devalue your car when selling

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15 situations that devalue your car when selling

  1. Aesthetics

Buyers often evaluate repainted pieces, scratches and stains. The upholstery is also examined to make sure there are no tears or stains. Smoking cars that have a smell tend to displease non-smokers. Any sign of apparent wear and tear can weigh on the offer made for the car. Dealerships and individuals often request the help of a specialist to examine details in the bodywork, fenders, columns, headlights and taillights. If there is a layer of paint, it means the car has been painted, which greatly depreciates its value. It is often better to leave small scratches, because painting to hide it is noticeable and will give the impression that the damage was much greater. Hail marks also have an effect on devaluation.

  1. Mechanics

The car is examined for the condition of the brake discs, pads, suspension, shock absorbers and engine oil. The condition of the tires is also included in the assessment. Other items that are evaluated are the functioning of the electric windows, steering wheel controls and air conditioning. Keep all receipts and service stamps to prove maintenance when selling. Buyers usually check this item and if everything is documented, your car will even increase in value.

  1. Mileage

One of the main items when evaluating a car is the mileage. The more kilometers driven, the lower the value that will be achieved, even if the car is in good condition.

  1. Rental vehicles

Cars from rental companies or taxis lose a lot of value, because their use may have been intensive. Cars from auctions also have difficulty resale.

  1. Signs from other cities

The license plate has an influence on the devaluation of the value, especially if the car is from a coastal city, because it is believed to have suffered damage from the sea air. In cities that adopt the rotation system, the final license plate number also counts at the time of sale, because many families are looking for a second car to avoid rotation fines.

  1. Most expensive cars

More popular cars have greater acceptance in the used market. The most expensive models depreciate more, around 10% more than a mid-range car, which in turn depreciates 55% more than a popular one.

  1. Brands with lower acceptance

In the Brazilian car market, the best-known brands have greater acceptance, such as Volkswagen, Fiat, Ford and GM. French brands, such as Citröen or Renault, have a much higher depreciation. In the case of Japanese companies, such as Toyota and Honda, the devaluation is smaller. The difference in depreciation can be 15% to 20% more than the most accepted brands.

  1. Armored

Armored cars depreciate more because they deteriorate faster than regular cars. Glass, for example, often forms bubbles between the protective layers.

  1. Hurry

If the owner is in a hurry to sell a car, they may end up accepting a price lower than its market value. It's better to take it easy and wait for a good opportunity.

  1. Color

The most popular colors in Brazil are silver and black, with less preference for red and white. Yellow or green colors are the most difficult to resell. Dark colors, such as navy or brown, go beyond the common profile and have a specific audience. The Brazilian consumer always thinks about the possibility of reselling the car and avoids colors that are difficult to accept in the future. If you painted it pink, you will hardly be able to sell your car.

  1. Models without accessories

Models that do not have accessories, such as air conditioning, electric locks and windows, power steering and even automatic transmission, are facing greater depreciation and waiting longer to find a buyer.

  1. Expensive maintenance

The maintenance cost of some cars tends to scare away consumers. The more resistant models sometimes have expensive replacement parts and when they break, the damage is much greater. In this case, the reputation that the dealership charges a lot for parts is very important.

  1. Trauma with previous makes and models

If the buyer had problems and headaches with a brand or model they already owned, this impression is what remains and works as a major depreciation factor. The fact that a car breaks down easily or that parts are difficult to replace usually destroys the value of a good car, which would otherwise be worth more. Other factors are negative experiences with poor service from dealerships of a certain brand, problems with technical assistance that was not efficient, and hearing a friend say that a brand is terrible.

  1. Foreign brands that have no history in Brazil

There are brands with an excellent track record in their country of origin, but which in Brazil are unknown and cannot gain the public's trust. A precedent has already happened with the Lada brand, Russian automaker, which left the country, leaving consumers without maintenance parts, which became a nightmare for its owners, who were unable to resell the cars. This background or prejudice still has a great influence on the market, in relation to foreign brands.

  1. Expensive insurance

Insurance in Brazil has become an increasingly mandatory item, due to the high rates of theft and robbery. Insurance prices are increasingly higher for vehicles most targeted by thieves. For some models, the insurance value begins to affect depreciation. However, in addition to the model, year and brand, insurance is calculated according to the owner's age and place of residence, which can also make insurance more expensive.

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It is inevitable, no matter how well you take care of your car and it is in perfect condition, when you think about changing your car and look for a dealership, they will offer a price that you will find low and which will require you to pay a difference for a model. new, sometimes bigger than you can afford. This is where the need for financing comes in, which everyone is avoiding doing. Dealerships and resellers will always undervalue your car below your expectations. This tactic allows them to refurbish some items in the car before putting it up for resale. For this reason, you need to search several stores, as a better opportunity may appear. Even selling to a trusted individual can be more advantageous, with a better price.

15 situations that devalue your car when selling

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15 situations that devalue your car when selling


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15 situations that devalue your car when selling

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