Maiara's relationship with Matheus Gabriel may be in crisis
Is Maiara and Matheus Gabriel’s relationship going through a crisis? Some of the country singer's attitudes would be bothering the 35-year-old singer. During a conversation with fans on social media, the musician made a comment that ended up generating controversy on the web.
Maiara was reportedly irritated by her boyfriend's comment on social media (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@maiara)
When asked by a follower why he often accompanies his girlfriend and famous sister-in-law at shows, Mateus replied: “It's a way of making contacts, I've recorded a DVD now, so it's a way of being in the middle”, started the singer who already composed, “Dá Intimidade Pra Ver”, a hit by Israel & Rodolffo. The countryman also added that it is important “meet some contractors […] be in the middle of the team and then try to sell our show”concluded the artist whose repertoire includes hits such as: “Beijo Vagabundo” and “Fiel Separado”.
Maiara forms alongside her twin sister Maraisa, one of the greatest duos today (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@maiara)
Chat with fans
In the chat that took place last Tuesday (10), the country singer sent a special message to Maraisa's twin sister, who appeared without the promise ring that she used to show off since the beginning of her relationship with the musician. An enigmatic attitude that made fans even more curious about a possible disagreement between the couple. Matheus and Maiara began to appear publicly together in April this year, after the turbulent breakup between the artist and country singer Fernando Zor, who works with Sorocaba.
Matheus Gabriel new boyfriend
Matheus Gabriel has already released his first DVD entitled “Respira”, with eight tracks divided between original songs and hits by other composers. At 27 years old and with just three years of career, the singer, who was born in São José do Rio Preto, has won over fans wherever they go. Their closeness and relationship also does not go unnoticed in the eyes of the public, who follow and support the couple on social media. It's ours”
Featured photo: Maiara and her boyfriend, Matheus Gabriel. Reproduction/Instagram/@maiara.
Maiara's relationship with Matheus Gabriel may be in crisis
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