São Paulo beats Talleres and ranks first in group B

by stephen Douglas
São Paulo beats Talleres and ranks first in group B

São Paulo beats Talleres and ranks first in group B
– international sports, latest sports news, local games and international games

On a traditional and cold Libertadores night this Wednesday (29), São Paulo welcomed Talleres to its stadium, in the last round of the group stage of the continental competition. O Morumbis packed with more than 56 thousand fansthe largest audience in São Paulo in the year, witnessed a traditional World Cup duel, with two teams seeking to lead the group to decidein their home games in the round of 16 of the competition.

First round

The first stage of the match represented a clear confrontation between Brazilians and Argentines. An extremely truncated and little-played game was established in Morumbis. The tricolor did not have full control of its midfield and missed most of its passes when playing from the defensive field, Talleres played with its low lines and waited for a mistake São Paulino to counter.attack. The São Paulo coaching staff and players even complained a lot about the wax practiced by the Córdoba team in the first 30 minutes of the first stage.

The game only unfolded when Nestor, in a great individual play on the left side, suffered a penalty from Depietri at 42 minutes. At the ball for the penalty, an idol from São Paulo, Lucas, was to the ball and stopped in a beautiful save from goalkeeper Herrera. However, the Argentine ended up advancing in defense and the penalty had to be taken again, and this time São Paulo's number 7 didn't waste it and opened the scoring of the duel.

Second round

If in the first half Talleres lowered its lines to play defensively, in the second half it was forced to change its strategy. The 1-0 result was nothing favorable for the Argentines, who started “round 2” with great intensity. However, despite growing their game volume, the Córdoba team was unable to create big ones opportunities and found himself without many alternatives on the “court tricolor.

It was then that in the 44th minute of the second half that Luciano scored a great goal with his left leg at the edge of the area. O Morumbis came down with such joy, São Paulo coach, Luís Zubeldiacrossed the field to celebrate with his athletes. The tricolorLou then with this goal the 2-0 victory and the prime prizeI will be placed in group B of the Libertadores.

But the scene at the end of the game unfortunately will not be marked by the tricolor goal. General confusion began in the first minute of addition after an obstacle between Igor Vinícius and Portillo, stopping the game for 5 minutes. In the midst of this obstacle, Navarro ended up attacking Erick and was sent off by the referee John Ospina. The zagueiro, with the warningTalleres is missing in the first game of the kill Kill.

Goals from the game between São Paulo and Talleres (Reproduction/YouTube)

Confrontation Curiosities

With the triumph, São Paulo reached its 100th victory in the Libertadores. A mark achieved by only nine other teams on the continent.

Another curious factor is that Talleres hadn't lost in 17 games in the current season. Already in group phrase freehas not lost since 2022, when they were defeated by Flamengo.

Featured Photo: Lucas and Luciano celebrating São Paulo’s first goal (Reproduction/X/Luis Pacca)

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São Paulo beats Talleres and ranks first in group B

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São Paulo beats Talleres and ranks first in group B

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