Exams confirm nose fracture and Mbappé must wear a mask

by stephen Douglas
Exams confirm nose fracture and Mbappé must wear a mask

Exams confirm nose fracture and Mbappé must wear a mask
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France debuted with victory in the European Championship, which takes place in Germany, this Monday (17), but in the 39th minute of the second half a move left the fans distressed. The team's star, Mbappé, collided with Austria's defender, Danso, and ended up breaking his nose. Despite the severity, the player is not a concern for the remainder of the tournament and should play with a mask in the next matches.

After carrying out tests at a nearby hospital, the French Football Federation announced that the star will not need to undergo surgery. Mbappé also took to social media and joked about the accident, asking which mask he should choose to wear in the next games.

The thing

The move happened around the 39th minute of the second half, when Mbappé went to compete for a header and ended up colliding with the shoulder of defender Danso, from Austria.

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After the collision, the attacker fell to the ground and the referee only came to stop the match after the opposing goalkeeper warned about what had happened. French doctors entered the field to treat him and found a lot of blood. In this match, France played in white and Mbappé's shirt had a large red stain of blood.

Mbappé returned to the field without authorization from the match referee and soon received a yellow card for his act of indiscipline and fell to the pitch. After a few minutes of paralysis, Mbappé was replaced, going straight to the changing rooms and then the news came that he was taken by ambulance to undergo tests at the hospital.

Embed from Getty Images

The attacker was rescued by the team's doctors (Photo: reproduction/Emin Sansar/Anadolu/Getty Images Embed)

Operation discarded

At the hospital, after imaging tests, a fractured nose was confirmed, but no operation was required. The star took to social media a few hours later and joked about the situation, asking his followers which mask he should wear in the next matches.

It is likely that Mbappé will play in France's next matches in the competition with some type of protection in place. France's next match will be against the Netherlands, in Leipzig, Germany, on Friday (21) at 4 pm Brasília time. The game is worth the lead in Group D, as both teams won in their debut.

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Featured Photo: Mbappé has a confirmed nose fracture but will not need surgery (Reproduction/Emin Sansar/Anadolu/Getty Images Embed)

Exams confirm nose fracture and Mbappé must wear a mask

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Exams confirm nose fracture and Mbappé must wear a mask

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