After 6 months, investigations of Bolsonaro’s coup acts continue

by James Williams
After 6 months, investigations of Bolsonaro's coup acts continue

After 6 months, investigations of Bolsonaro’s coup acts continue

This Saturday (8), the coup acts of January 8 carried out by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) at the headquarters of the three powers in Brasília completed 6 months, and even after all this period, investigations continue.

Through the so-called “Access to Information Law”, it was known that the invasions resulted in damages that, if put at the tip of the pencil, will be counted at 20.6 million reais. The STF became the most affected body, causing losses of R$ 11.4 million, right behind is the congress, with R$ 4.9 million (R$ 2.7 million in the Chamber of Deputies and R$ 2, 2 million in the Senate) and Planalto, with the remaining R$ 4.3 million.

However, such values ​​can be even higher considering that there are costs that, even half a year after the event, still do not have their estimated value. One of these examples is the 18th century French clock, a gift from the French court to King João VI, which ended up being thrown to the ground twice during the attacks. According to information given a month after the acts by the Minister of Culture, Margareth Menezes, the piece will be restored with the help of the Swiss government.

After the defeat of former president Jair Bolsonaro, vandals carry out a coup act in Brasilia (Photo/reproduction:Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

About investigations:

The work to identify all the direct or indirect participants in the coup acts on January 8th has no scheduled end date. It is known that, so far, around 211 people are still being held in Brasília, with 147 men being held in the Provisional Detention Center, also called Papuda, while 64 women are still in the Federal District Women’s Penitentiary.

The Attorney General’s Office has already denounced around 1,295 people, and the STF itself has filed 617 criminal actions against those who are accused of participating in or inciting the criminal act. A CPI was also created on May 25th to investigate what happened that day and thus punish those responsible, however, so far only seven meetings have taken place, with the eighth of 8 participants.

Work should be paused in the coming weeks due to the parliamentary recess that continues until August 1st.

Featured photo: Anti-democratic act of January 8 (Photo/reproduction: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil)

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After 6 months, investigations of Bolsonaro’s coup acts continue

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