Average price of Yamaha YZF-R3 insurance

by Xavier Catherine
Average price of Yamaha YZF R3 insurance

Average price of Yamaha YZF-R3 insurance
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The Yamaha YZF-R3 Average Insurance Price helps you find out if your proposal is a good price. See some examples of values ​​and compare to see if you will pay a good price for protection for your motorcycle.

The Honda SH 150 can be considered a sports car that has a classic and at the same time elegant design.

In traffic it is easy to drive and can go down the aisles in fourth gear without losing power.

On the road it guarantees good torque and allows overtaking to be done safely.

Average price of Yamaha YZF-R3 insurance

Image: Yamaha

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Average price of Yamaha YZF-R3 insurance

The average price of insurance for the Yamaha YZF-R3 is R$1,600.00, but you must be aware that this is only an estimated value.

As the price varies from one insured to another due to the coverage contracted and risk profile analysis, the fluctuations can be large.

Furthermore, each insurer is free to choose how much the insurance will cost based on internal criteria.

The average price should only serve as a basis for making comparisons or starting to organize your budget, so you don't run the risk of paying exorbitant amounts for insurance.

So that you can understand a little better how this all works, see some examples.

How much does insurance cost Yamaha YZF-R3 2017?

The average price of insurance Yamaha YZF-R3 2017 is R$1,900.00. Check out the car insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Yamaha Yzf R3 321 0p 2017 Male, 37 years old Minas Gerais R$ 1,978.84

What is the average insurance amount for Yamaha YZF-R3 2016?

The average insurance value of the Yamaha YZF-R3 2016 is R$ 1,700.00. Check out the car insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Yzf R3 321 2016 Female, 31 years old São Paulo R$ 1,749.08

*Source: MeuSeguroNovo. Consultation carried out in June/2020.

How to quote insurance for the Yamaha YZF-R3?

So that you don't have to rely solely on an average of values, you need to make a personalized quote and have a personalized budget.

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This can be done through specialized websites that have partnerships with insurance companies and brokers and can give you options.

Just fill out the quote form and wait for a response with proposals based on the data you sent.

Check the ones you received and choose the one that offers the best value for money to protect your motorcycle.

Once this is done, just sign up for insurance, knowing exactly how much you will pay to protect your motorcycle.

Take advantage and get your quote online now and no longer rely solely on the average price of Yamaha YZF-R3 insurance.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Yamaha YZF-R3

Find out what the strengths are and what needs to be improved in relation to this model.

Advantages of the Yamaha YZF-R3

  • Gearbox with precise engagements
  • Smooth even at high speeds

Disadvantages of the Yamaha YZF-R3

  • Mirrors positioned at the same height as cars, which can hinder movement in traffic
  • There are no passenger handles

*Published on: 08/29/2018 and updated on 06/16/2020.

*Afrilatest is not responsible for the values ​​mentioned here, as the price of insurance may vary depending on the profile of each driver.

Average price of Yamaha YZF-R3 insurance

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Average price of Yamaha YZF-R3 insurance

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