Carolina Ferraz reveals shocking details about her departure from TV Globo in an emotional interview
Carolina Ferraz made curious revelations about her departure from TV Globo. While recording for “Venus Podcast”presenter opened her heart and recalled details about the time when she found herself away from work at the Rio broadcaster. Currently contracted with Record TV, Carolina had her contract terminated with TV Globo in 2016, after 25 years of partnership. “First I asked myself what I was going to do, where I was going to go”, remembered.
Carolina Ferraz alongside podcast commanders Criss Paiva and Yasmin Yassine (Photo: reproduction/instagram/@ovenuspodcast)
“It was a very intense period”the actress said, recalling the turbulent period in which she sought, according to her, to “reinvent” herself in her professional career and family life. “I separated… I went to resolve everything, it was very difficult”he revealed. Following the chat with Yasmin Yassine and Criss Paiva, Ferraz also acknowledged that Marinhos' departure from the broadcaster served as an impetus for him to be able to start a new stage again. “The world has changed, and I needed to understand and relate to it. See how Instagram worked, digitize myself and work with younger people”he stated.
The presenter maintains an Internet channel where she teaches and shows that she has a lot of cooking skills (Photo: reproduction/instagram/@carolinaferraz)
Fight in court
The actress, at the time, took the company to court with a lawsuit in which she demanded R$7 million in compensation, alleging that she had suffered labor losses during the period in which she was hired by TV in Rio. Recently Carolina Ferraz stated that despite the time, the process is still ongoing. “All labor processes are very slow, take many years and take place in secret from the courts”he detailed.
Renewed contract
With a YouTube channel where she shares everything from travel tips to her culinary skills, the captain of the “Spectacular Sunday”, had his contract renewed by the São Paulo broadcaster, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary. With the “exit” widely publicized, the television network denied the star's dismissal in an official statement. “The information that the professional would have her contract expiring at the end of the month is fanciful”, assured.
The ex-model's ease alongside her colleague Sérgio Aguiar has guaranteed excellent audience ratings for the electronic magazine
Featured photo: Presenter Carolina Ferraz. Reproduction/Instagram/@carolinaferraz
Carolina Ferraz reveals shocking details about her departure from TV Globo in an emotional interview
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